Happy Birthday Rev. Awdry!
On this day (June 15th), the creator of the Railway Series, the Rev. Wilbert Vere Awdry, was born on this day in 1911. Happy 109th Birthday to the Rev. W. Awdry!
The Rev. Awdry with both the TV Series Model of Thomas, and his personal model of the same character.
An Attempt at a Rev. Awdry Minifigure.
Celebrating 75 years of Thomas the Tank Engine!
75 years ago today, The Reverend Wilbert Vere Awdry published the first in what would become a long line of books in the famous "Railway Series." Happy 75th Anniversary to Thomas the Tank Engine, and all his friends! (The first Railway Series Book, the Three Railway Engines, published on May 12th, 1945.)
100 Supporters!
Well Bust My Buffers! It seems like 100 Really Useful People want to see Thomas steam back onto LEGO Railways everywhere! Thank Y'all So much for your support, and an extra special Thank You to TruMEDeNG for being my 100th Supporter! Thank y'all so much, and don't forget to support my other projects, Tweetsie Railroad, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Trolley, and The Polar Express!