Product Idea |

Disney Wonder, Magic, Fantasy or Dream Cruise Ships


Yea, 5x the support in 2 days from last time!

2.5% of the way there, wow! 

I know the pace will be really hard to maintain, but that's still way better than the last attempt!  Keep sharing!  If we can keep it up we'll be there in "only" 100 days...

For a near-term goal I'd love to hit 400-500 supporters this week and have a chance at being in the "popular this week" list.  Visibility is what gets supporters and once that's gone, we lose momentum, so keep sharing please!  Projects that succeed pretty much have to one of those front page lists.


It's a lot of bricks!

Some skeptics have pointed out that this is a lot of bricks for a Lego Ideas project.  It sure is!  I realize that's a huge challenge, but don't let that keep you from hitting support!  Let's let Lego figure out if the business case makes sense, if we decided it's "Too Big" for them, well, then it doesn't have a chance, does it?

Regarding that business case:  Those ships carry 10,000 people A WEEK!  (conservatively, they have a capacity of almost 13K passengers, some cruises are shorter than a week, some longer).  Disney Cruise Line customers have two things going for them: 

A) They tend to have some disposable money, enough for a 4500 brick Lego set anyway, and
B) They tend to be Disney fanatics.  Think of the craziest Star Wars or Comic Con you've been to and you'll get close.

Let us first worry about getting to 10K supporters.  When that happens I'm totally fine with Lego asking for a smaller model, or even doing their own smaller model once they realize there's a market.  I imagine most of my supporters would be happy with any decent replica, it doesn't have to be this one.


In case you missed the video

Let's try embedding the video, the link I tried first time didn't help much, can't edit that page though :)

Also, please don't forget to share!  I think last time what happened is that the sharing stalled, hoping we can avoid that setback this time around.


Yea! Made it to 50 in 1/2 a day!!! Last time it took 2 days, hope we can keep up the momentum!

Yea! Made it to 50 in 1/2 a day!!! Last time it took 2 days, hope we can keep up the momentum 'cause I'm not doing this again!

We're 0.5% of the way there!  Yippee.  Now all we need is about 200x as much sharing and supporting and we'll be golden!

Thanks for the support!


Please Share!!!

You Asked For It!

Several of the previous supporters asked us to try again.  We didn't make it last time, and that's directly attributable to the visibility and amount of sharing this project had.  If you really want to see it happen, we're going to have to stay on the front page, which means making milestones.  We're going to need lots of sharing on social media, so please tweet, retweet, share on Facebook, pin the photos with a link back here, share on Instagram, whatever.  And do it again in a few weeks :) 

Please Share!

The project URL is, but you can use the social media links on the right bar over here too -->

If you're going on a Disney Cruise, let your fellow passengers know :)  If you're on a travel forum, feel free to share there too.  If you're in a Lego club, post or share there as well.  Anything to get more folks to see it.


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