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Product Idea |

High School




Second Chance

So this project is about to expire. Thank you to all who supported! I was so happy as this was my first project to reach 50 supporters!

Unfortunately, this project is about to run out of time. But I've given this project a second chance and I have resubmitted it. If you really want to see the High School made, support it again here.

Again, thank you to everyone who supported! This project means so much to me, and I'm so glad that we were at least able to get this project halfway to 100!

- TheAntiStud :)



Again this update is a little late, but I am here to say thank you for 50 supporters! This is (and has been for the last 5 supports) my most popular Lego Ideas project! Thank you to all that have supported already, I'm hoping we can get some more before this project runs out of time. Although I currently have no ideas for anything to add to this project, I'm totally open to hearing your ideas. Feedback in the comments section is greatly appreciated. This project, as I might have (have I?) mentioned before, means the world to me, and although I tend not to pick favorites, this is my favorite out of all of the projects I have posted so far. Thank you for making it my most popular project. This is also the closest any of my projects have ever gotten to the 100 support mark, and if this one were to gain the remaining 50 supporters in the 12 days remaining I would be so happy and thankful.

Once again, thank you to all of my supporters for making this project my most popular on Lego Ideas! 


New Project Is Here!

Okay so this update is a little late, but my new project was published on Friday! Here is the link if you want to take a look:

Thanks to everyone who has supported this project! :D


PS-More concept minifigs are probably coming soon for this project :)


New Project Coming!

My latest project is coming out soon, so keep a lookout! It's a small one this time (probably this High School is about 10 times its size, part count wise) but I have others in the works, so make sure to take a look once it's published!


On a side note, my finals are over so I'm back on Ideas and active again :)


Prototype Student Minifigs! Suggestions Welcome!

So I just decided to go ahead and make more potential student minifigs since if this project became a set, I would want more prototypes for Lego to make decisions about the students off of, so here they are. Not as great as the originals in my proposal in my opinion, but I think this is just a sort of extra thing. I will continue to make more minifig prototypes in the future, so if you have any ideas for what I should change about minifigs, please let me know in the comments!

Here are the images:

Thank you to everyone who has supported already! If you haven't yet, don't forget to support, follow, comment, and share (if you like it, of course!) !!


Prototype Teacher Minifigs! Suggestions Welcome!

I made four more teacher minifigures, and that's because recently I realized that in order to fill the classrooms, so that each classroom has a teacher, I need two more teacher minifigs. Although I only need two more teachers, I made four, and that's just because I want to show some potential options that I'm thinking of for the last two teacher minifigs. Of course, it's probably not the best idea to fill the classrooms with students, since that would bring up the minifig count so high that it would be impossible to do, so I decided not to do that.

Some Notes About Accessories: 

  • The teacher on the far left is carrying a briefcase.
  • The teacher on the right in the argyle sweater is holding a scalpel for dissection (but I used a knife piece since there is no scalpel piece) because she is a science teacher.
  • The teacher on the far right is wearing a light aqua plaid shirt and is holding a red pen, which he is using to grade a paper.

If you have any suggestions at all, you're welcome to post them in the comments section! Thanks to everyone who has supported and/or followed already, I'm extremely thankful!

More To Do


Build for International Women’s Day


Build Your Brick Story

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