Lego 737-300 update
- Flap fairing shape corrected
- Tail cone shape corrected
- Cockpit side windows redesigned
- Nose top section smoothed out
- Engine pylons wing mounts refined
- Nose color scheme changed to white
Boeing 737-300 WL update - let´s go back to the Classic!
Dear supporters and fellow members. As I do not use social networks of any kind (expect for this one :) ), I strongly recommend that you share my project in order to find it on the shelves one day. I have to admit I have no promotion at all.
Whether my plane project succeeds or not purely depends on your support and positive ratings.
Should you request any special pictures or information on my project, do dot hesitate to write. Thank you!!
At night
At night
737 on a custom built LEGO stand..enjoy!
Gear up! Flaps 0! Slats retracted!
Technical description
Enjoy some new pics!
Featuring Westjet 737-700 unusual wifi "hump" + anticollision beacon configuration