One of the first jets capable of crossing the ocean came in the decade of the 80´s, a wide fuselage aircraft named 767 and smaller than the Queen of the skies came out to make a more efficient aircraft to cross the big oceans with only two engines, thanks to that this plane became very popular and stills flying but also in production nowadays, however boeing recently announced that the end of it is planned for 2027, finishing the production of this cargo version that remained the only one being manufactured.
This 767 includes functional entrance doors, moving flaps, retractable landing gear, three GE engines and an openable cargo door for pallets or containers; this plane composed by a total of 1600 total pieces and is great for displaying as decoration for office or studio.
Dimensions: 57 x 57 x 17 cm
Background images sourced from freepik.com with purchased licenses.