The LDD Files (for convenience)
Due to much query, here are the consolidated links to the models of this project. Details about these files can be found in the previous updates (please scroll down below)
“LL928 Comes_Home” Complete Set ver 2
“LL928 Comes_Home” Complete Set ver 1
Extras for Ground Equipments
Before the show ends, here is a little gift...
It's been a year or so. I hope everyone have a chance to re-live the memories of classic space.
I have been away from LEGO and many things I like for quite some time. Do pardon me for seemingly being uninterested. I can assure you it is not. Things don't usually go the way we desire eh?
Anyway, I like to give this little bonus LXF to all supporters here. It's a micro-build of the classic spaceship fleet I've done many months ago.
You can get the LXF file here Hope you like it.
PS: The LXF files for LL924 and LL918 has also been released. You can head over to their respective project page to download.
PPS: You may like to follow my flickr page ( if you are interested to catch any new builds in the future. You can also contact me over there.
Classic Spaceships Assembled!
With the LL924 landing, that concludes my work on the Ideas project for Classic Spaceships. Have a look at the others and support them if you like them!
Coming Soon!
Waiting for approval...
LXF Update
This updated LXF file is to fix the “14 unplaceable bricks” issue as reported by Tyraxus on LEGO Ideas.
Note that you may like to keep the v01 LXF file for comparison.
In this v02 LXF, I have highlighted those 14 unplaceable bricks in Bright Purple color. In the process, some parts have to be removed. These removed parts are mostly hidden from view. You may like to refer to the v01 LXF for reference.
So here it goes:
V02 LXF file:
V01 LXF file:
Some teaser news: The LL924 and LL918 are coming together real nice in the hangar. I have decided to post them as new projects. The advantage is that, those two new projects can bring attention to this LL928 project. Looking forward to presenting those projects soon!
PS: If you have any suggestion for keywords to be used as the project tags, do tell me in the comments! Thank you!
Just Landed...
and being quarantined in hangar for now.
Building the LL928
Jeff McClain has some neat pictures of the build-in-progress LL928. It would be a good reference for those who have trouble building the spaceship. Teleport to his Flicker page now!
1000 breakthrough? I am surprised!
This project lives because of you, the classic space lovers! This ship belongs to all of you!
LDD: Extras for Ground Equipments
This update is in response to several request for LDD build of the ground equipments seen in the "LL928 Comes Home" display set found on my flickr page. Those models are previously built ad-hoc in the last hour for the exhibition. Hence, the lack of digital design models for them.
These designs could be considered as bonus addition to the set's landscape, since we don't have the moon-crater baseplate available anymore.
The LDD file for the this update can be found at