Product Idea |

Motorcycle : The Twin-Cylinder Trilogy


We would probably never reach 10000 supporters...

...but we tried !

And to thank all fans of this project, please enjoy these new pics :


Now 300 supporters, and a facebook page !

Dear supporter, this project has reached 300 supports in 2 months, thanks to you.
But to pulse it in the next dimension, I had to do something that I was always refuse : create a facebook account !!!

So, I am glad to share the facebook page of this project :


And to celebrate this, a trio of "real" pictures...



Enjoy, support, and share !



250 supports soon ? These new videos and pics to share would help !

Hi friends,

no many supports this week, so maybe these short videos would motive new people :


Do not hesitate to share a lot these videos, and also these new pics :


Thanks again !



Celebrate the 100th supporter with new videos !

First step : We did it !

Thank you friends to have been 100 to support my project, in 2 weeks instead of 2 months !

To celebrate this, I made 3 videos on Youtube, to show you in detail each model, and also a possible variation for each model

In the background of videos, you can see (almost) original Lego creator models, to show you how the scale of motorcycle is close.

And on each video you can hear original models sound.

Videos links :


And again : please share a lot : I don't have any social network account, so I really need you. Thanks friends !





Video availlable on Youtube

Hi friends,

thank you for your support, a video is availlable here :

Please share it a lot, even on social networks !


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