"The mission falls to him...should he choose to accept"
Welcome to the upgraded version of Mission: Impossible-Story From Stunts! In my previous project, I built a collection of dioramas based of the popular movie franchise Mission: Impossible. The films are widely known for their practical stunt work done by no other than Tom Cruise. This man has done the craziest things to perfect his movies. From flying real jets for Top Gun to Learning entire martial arts for The Last Samurai. But his most astonishing stunts come from the Mission: Impossible franchise. Every movie has at least one big, extreme, terrifying stunt he performs in real life as he portrays the main character "Ethan Hunt" in the movies. As I said earlier, this build was an updated version of my older one, which displays the big stunt from each movie in a collection of builds.
These are the key changes I've made since a year ago:
1: I used Bricklink instead of Mecabricks. This honestly helped to make better renderings alongside new prints for bricks and minifigures.
2: I replaced the main stunt for the 3rd movie (More on that later)
3: I have included another space for the 8th (and probably last) Mission: Impossible movie, which i was able to build off the trailer for it.
Before I go into more detail, I would just like to say that even though my last project didn't reach the 10,000 mark, the fact it hit even 100 was shocking to me, so I thank everyone who support it and ask for your help to make this project better than the last!
Without thither ado, let me intro duce the 8 Incredible stunts from the Mission: Impossible Franchise:
M:I-The Vault Heist
The 1st scene in this project is the iconic vault scene from the first Mission: Impossible. This build showcases Ethan Hunt being lowered into vault to steal information. You can change the height using the gear piece on the side which controls the wire. The build also includes a little rat as a reference. There is a knife stuck in the computer table which falls from the vent he is hanging from and a briefcase on the other side. (Sorry for the lighting)
M:I 2-The Canyon Slide
The 2nd scene is from the canyon Ethan hunt climbs in his next mission. While climbing, he encounters a dead spot on the canyon and seeing a spot across a large gap that has a better area. Without hesitation, he jumps from one side to the other to climb but ends up sliding and nearly falls until he catches himself on a ledge. The build is very tall and has a cool orange color to it to resemble the canyon, alongside a ledge to put Ethan on.
M:I 3-The Bridge Explosion
The 3rd scene displays a bridge in which Ethan Hut is running on. In the scene, he is trying to grab a weapon from a car but notices a missile heading towards him during an ambush and starts to run away from it before it hits the bridge and launches him forward. The build shows a flipped over car on fire with a broken bridge with Ethan running on it. This is the bridge explosion build. (I couldn't add the missile for obvious reasons 😂)
M:I 4-The Building Climb
The 4th scene shows Ethan hunt hanging from a rope after he jumps out of a very tall building in hopes to get back down to a lower floor. before this happened, he used climbing gloves to reach the top of the building since he couldn't access the elevators from the inside. You can see one of the climbing gloves on top after he threw it out of the way. This is another tall build in this collection which shows to terrifying height he had to climb.
M:I 5-The Plane Takeoff
The 5th Scene is my favorite, which has Ethan Hunt hanging onto the side of an A400 plane. He is trying to get inside the plane to stop it from taking off but the door to get inside isn't open and he is stuck to the outside of it while it is taking off. This scene is just so crazy, and I love it for that. You can adjust Ethan to show the force the wind has on him while he is accelerating on the plane in thew air and on the runway.
M:I 6-The Helicopter Chase
The 6th scene is the helicopter rope climb. This scene shows Ethan hunt trying to get inside a helicopter to chase a man, but he doesn't reach it in time when it starts flying and he grabs hold of a rope and starts to get lifter up with it in attempt to reach the top. This scene has a helicopter being held up with clear technic bricks and a rope for Ethan to attach to. You can spin the blades to rec recreate the full scene. You can also see the cool lights for detail for the helicopter.
M:I 7-The Cliff Jump
The 7th scene is probably the riskiest because it shows Ethan hunt riding a motorcycle off a cliff in order to land on a train. This build was a little hard due to the way the cliff was shaped but I think it turned out alright. You can adjust the bike to make it look like it has already jumped off the cliff or make it look like it is about to. This Ethan comes with a parachute to show what he is about to do. This is the motorcycle jump scene.
M:I 8-The Bi-Plane
The 8th and final scene is the bi-plane hang. This Scene Showcases Ethan hunt holding onto the side of yet, another plane. This scene came out from the trailer for Mission: Impossible-The Final Reckoning, so I have no idea why he is doing this but the scene shows him holding onto a plane and I think this build shows this well. The plane is at an angle to show to force it has on Ethan as he tries his very hardest to hang on.
Accessories For Minifigures
Most of these cannot be added into the main models but can be for the minifigure display stand for each Ethan Hunt. Here's each Item:
1: 1st half of cruciform key (Red)
2: 2nd half of cruciform key (White)
3: Computer briefcase with launch codes
4: Syringe with a cure for a deadly disease
5: CD with the NOC list
6: The rabbit's foot (Unknown Use)
7: Record with Ethan's next mission
8: Radio with bomb device
(True Mission: Impossible fans will know most of these :) )
Thats brings us to the end! But we are just getting started. I truly believe this would make an amazing Lego set. All of these scenes are so incredible for their backstory and any mission impossible fan would love it. Ever since I saw these movies, I've wanted a Lego set based off this amazing franchise, and this could be our first step to get that. This set could also go with the older movie franchise diorama sets you've been making, such as the Jurassic Park and Jaws set.
This set uses 2835 pieces, and the size could be different based on where you align the builds but that's up for you to decide! After all, it's your mission...
Should you choose to accept...
Please Spread the word about this project so it can become a reality!