Product Idea |

The WHEEL OF TIME: Bookends and Displays


10 Days left! (Crossroads of Twilight)

Can you believe it's only three more days until Christmas 2020? With only five more supporters, having 100 Supporters to enter the next phase would be a real gift!

Please spread the word!


11 Days Left! (Knife of Dreams)

95 Supporters?! Wow, this is exciting!! Only 5 more until 100!


12 Days Left! (The Gathering Storm)

91 supporters!! Only 9 more until 100!!!


13 Days left! (Towers of Midnight)

I think this one is one of my favorite builds. Simple, but not too complex.


14 Days Left! (A Memory of Light)

Well, it's that time again...with only 15 more days to achieve my goal of 100 Supporters, I supposed it was time to begin the countdown.

It's incredible how supportive everyone has been with my project. I couldn't have gotten this far without your help! Thanks!



On looking at my Mat minifigure, I decided he looked a bit too young with the large smirk on the LEGO Disney Aladdin minifigure head (minifigure on left).

So I decided to switch it with a more mature face, from the LEGO Jurassic World sets (minifigure on right). The face is right, but the colors are slightly different. 

The minifigure on the right with the skin tone of the minifigure on the left would be ideal.

Also, the Dagger of Time mold would have a black handle instead of gold, to more accurately fit the description of Mat's ashanderai.


Past 71 Supporters, a New Video, and a Thought...

Thanks so much for helping me reach my goal of getting past 71 Supporters!

My new goal is to reach at least 100 Supporters (though I'd say 150 to be optimistic).


I have also posted a new YouTube Review on my channel, part of which reviews what I may consider as an addition to my project (though I don't want this project to get too big with too many minifigures).

Anyways, thanks so much, and please continue to share this project.



It Was A Beginning...

I am so excited that this reached over 50 Supporters already! I couldn't have done this without your support!

My last attempt for this idea reached 71, and that was only on the night right before it expired.

My goal for this project right now is to at least reach the 100 Supporters stage, gaining another 365 days of gathering support.

Spread the word, and thanks again!





Some Clarification About The Build

The bookends "The Eye of The World" and "A Memory of Light" would have only one bookend edge on their builds (pictured above), while "The Great Hunt" and "Towers of Midnight" would have both edges (pictured below).




A Little Detail..

Something I think would be pretty neat for this project would also be some kind of printed brick or sticker that had the titles of the display on the front (the font and color styling would match their respective book).

The Eye of the World: yellow base with a red edging


The Great Hunt: red base with yellow edging


Towers of Midnight: white base with dark red edging


A Memory of Light: white base with dark blue edging

(please note that the pictures above are not the wanted result; only a rough prototype design)

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