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LEGO Universe: 10th Anniversary Tribute




Instructions in the making!

The project just passed 900 supporters today!! That's a whole lot of love for LEGO Universe!

I have exciting news: I have started making instructions for this project's Forbidden Valley sub-model! It was the first world that I attempted building, and possibly my favourite out of the four. I have made adjustments to the model so that it's fully buildable (weeding out unreleased or expensive parts) and I'm almost done with the building steps, after which I'll finalize the design of the pages. Once done, I will provide the instructions for free!

If you want to stay up to date on this project, then keep an eye on r/legouniverse on Reddit, or follow me on Flickr or Instagram. Until next time! 😉


Behind the scenes! And other stuff.

As I'm writing this, the deadline to reach the 1K supporter milestone is less than a month away - with over a hundred supporters left to gain. That's a tough call. Overall I can be very happy with how much this project has grown, and what it has brought me down the line. In this update I want to share some of what has been going on behind the scenes, and some other things that I want address.

Behind the scenes
I haven't given a lot of updates on this project. As a matter of fact, up to this day my initial submission remains unchanged. I am thankful for the tips you have given me for improvement of - or as an addition to - this model, but seeing the already overwhelmingly positive reception of my design, I decided to put my efforts into generating new exposure in other ways. On one hand I developed new Ideas projects, like LU: The Maelstrom won!, on the other I reached out to several people and platforms with a large following and at least a somewhat proven love for - or involvement in - LEGO Universe. About three people responded, and the simple little Twitter shoutout I was hoping for never came, not even from a major LU revival project. ... Yet? I'm keeping my head up! Anyway, I did encounter a very dedicated and supportive group of people in the (unofficial) LEGO Universe Discord server. Guys, thank you so much, you are amazing!

Interesting visual for extra attention ;-)

Alright, the real reason why you're here, probably! I have started working on a personal portfolio (not just LEGO) recently, for which I created this visual. I reckon you might be interested in the preliminary models I made for this project. Feedback welcome!

Positive vibes
I am very happy with the support you have given me so far, from the 110 of you who supported on the second day the project was live, to the 150 of you who have supported since the start of this year! When I came to the LU community last year, I did not see a lot of activity. Then I introduced this project, which was met with loads of excitement and praise! Not long afterwards the LU game revival project announced some big steps in its development, and the atmosphere of positivity and optimism in the community swelled. However, in February 2021 the (almost) unthinkable happened: The LEGO Group celebrated LU's tenth anniversary, with three in-depth podcasts about LU, topped off with the official release of the game's soundtrack! That's when the levels of joy really went through the roof! To witness and play a role in such an exciting turn of events fills me with joy and satisfaction.

What's next?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: it's never too late to save imagination! I think LEGO Universe will continue to inspire me to make new builds based on it, either directly or indirectly. Also, some of you have asked for brick lists and build instructions. I have tip-toed into making those, and I think I'll get to it sometime. I'm not sure how I would distribute them, though.

One more thing!
Check out my friend Jonny's LEGO Universe Venture Koi project! Thanks!

I hope you enjoyed this update! Please support ASAP if you haven't already, and maybe take a look at my other projects? :P


Halfway to 1K!

Hello Ideas fans! 

Overnight this project gained it's 500th supporter, and so we are halfway to the next important milestone: 1K supporters! A big thank you to all of you who have already supported, thanks especially to those who have given me feedback trough comments and/or shared this project across different platforms, and thanks in advance to those who will do so in the future!

At this time, I do not have any improvements or additions to the model (though you have given me good ideas!), but I do have an updated visual to share, and a very special video! Let's start with the visual.


As you can see, the background is now a more basic red. I toned down the some of the visual effects for more clarity, such as the mist that surrounds the islands, and removed the dark spots and interstellar glow from the galaxy background, but I've kept the stars. Let me know if you like this one or the previous one better! Now, the video:

My profound gratitude to Brickster John of Club Brick for doing a feature video of my project, and to amazing builder LEGObrigs for providing the commentary! You guys are the best! 

Aditionally, if you are interested in the build process of this model, you can read about it on Eurobricks:


That's it, I hope you enjoyed this little update! I want to see this hit at least 1000 supporters, so please share it around! I do what I can, but at the same time I know that there are a lot of LU fans out there that I am unable to reach. Thanks for now, and see you at the next update!


More To Do


Build for International Women’s Day


Build Your Brick Story

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