Product Idea |

Castle Outpost


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Update: I revisited my model, improving many little things, for example the round tower, the crenellations, the tower's embrasures and stability. All renders are for this new version, but the second picture still shows the previous model. Please let me know what you think :)

The Raven King’s territory has grown and villagers in farer lands around the castle are hard to protect. Therefore, the king sent his best knight, Sir Marcus Briggerton, to build an outpost in the new lands. Together with his best fighters, Sir Marcus now defends the newest fortress against old foes.


The Background

It’s been a few years now since we got the last Castle/Kingdoms sets. Always offering great play sets, the line never gave us a castle that is designed mainly for display. Therefore, I tried to create one myself.

The Model

My goal was to build a fortress that has highly detailed walls and a round bergfried (donjon).

The Castle Outpost is built stable and modular, while using only common and recent pieces in also current colors. It measures approximately 43x56x37 studs.

Only the Knights are custom made and inspired by the new CMF Series 20 Tournament Knight. I think the black/bright light orange color scheme is a fresh touch to a classic theme.

The Features

The Castle Outpost has interior spaces with kitchen, dormitory, lord of the castle’s room, armory and prison.

The towers come with functional and rotatable catapults and the castle courtyard, accessible through the openable gate, offers a horse stable and a functional well.

Comes with 9 Minifigures: Sir Marcus, 7 of his knights and a farmhand

I hope you like it. Feel free to comment, share and – of course – support the Castle Outpost.

Please consider checking out my other submissions.

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