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Money for Nothing and Your Bricks for Free. Dire Straits Music Video

What's more iconic in the 1980s than MTV? Music videos became the new mini TV programs, often epic in budget and scope. Dire Straits' video for Money For Nothing (1985) incorporated some of the first CGI ever seen by mainstream television audiences.

This is my take on the main characters from the video. The two deliverymen (short guy and tall guy), the dog, and of course a TV featuring Mark Knopfler's legendary guitar playing (if you squint hard enough).

The short guy has poseable arms and legs, and a rotating head, the tall porter has poseable arms and head, and the dog's head turns and front legs move, his jaw opens and there are closed or open eyes. Relive the 1980s and vote for this LEGO Idea.

That's the way you do it, get your Money for Nothing and your bricks for free!

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