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The Lady

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Introducing The Lady! She's Cunn'in, she's Cute, and she's com'in ta save ya hero! Heroing's tough, but you were never supposed to to it alone. You can feel it inside right? That special someone out there just wait'in for her time ta shine and save you! For all the times you've saved her and all you've been through, with the power of love; you're in this together, and there's nothing you can't do!

I built this awesome Lego mech as one of many ways to channel and express my feelings through building. This one likely came from a romance/fantasy/Sci-Fi part of my heart, but if I'm be'in honest, I didn’t really think too hard about why, I just let everything flow and built!

The Lady Features but isn't limited to; Fully posable Head, Neck, Wings, Feathers, Shoulders, Elbows, Arms, Hands, Waist, Dress, Hips, Thighs, Legs, Ankles, and High-heels! Dress and shoulders unfurl to reveal hidden missiles for far away opponents while her wrists are armed with massive kitty-claws that'll swiss-cheese the unfortunate souls who get too close, (Or your money back). Wings can be spread out or folded in as well for different poses. Glowing pink parts for display only and will be replaced with speckled pink transparent ones. White hull-plating glows in the dark however for increased awesome even at night!

This would likely make a good Lego set for sisters, girlfriends, and possibly even wives who enjoy mecha and Lego either for themselves or for simply playing with the ones they love!

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