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Product Idea |

Chemical Plant


Not Approved



The 10k is so very close, and I am not sure if posting an update at that point is still possible, so I wanted to express my sincere thanks to each and everyone of you!
I enjoyed  reading all the comments here and on other internet sites and tried to answer all of them :D

I missed the counter hitting 10k for my previous model, so I really want to be online this time. The moment I am writing this, it is only a few votes away, with over 500 days to go. It is perhaps premature, but I am confident, it will happen :)

Once again, thank you all for this amazing journey!


Replacing rare parts with a more open structure to improve visibility


My Industrial zone

I just wanted to show you guys and gals, that the chemical plant does not have to be a stand alone model. You could add some additional buildings and create a whole industrial zone :)  Some of the models shown are also in LEGO Ideas, the others have too many bricks.


VNCI helps to promote !

The VNCI, de  Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie, the  Dutch Association of Chemical Industry, (I hope I translated that correctly), has placed an article about the model in their newsletter/magazine.

My sincere thanks to the people of VNCI who took the time to listen to my story and were kind enough to write about it.

To read the article :

Even more promotion by VNCI: the Day of chemistry




9500 votes, getting closer !


Over 9k votes !


Model "in the wild"

The model is on display in the Lego Store Oberhausen Germany during July, August and September 2018 :)


Romanian Fan helps promoting!


Hello Yvonne!
I am Stefan, from Romania - we talked some days ago on Facebook messenger, and I thank you again for the nice way that you welcomed my "intrusion".
Like I wrote then, I am a member of RoLug (, one of the two official LUG's in Romania - and between the 16'th and 27'th of May we will have a Lego exhibition in Bucharest.
I am a fan of industrial constructions made from Lego - and of your Chemical Plant project in special - and some time ago I have decided to try building this myself from the parts in my collection, using the pictures from your project as a guide.
Since I would very much like for this project to succeed, later I thought about integrating this in our future exhibition (on the City table), while displaying information regarding your Ideas project and the way to vote for it.

End Quote

Stefan made an almost exact copy of my model and displayed it at the event he mentioned. Below a link to some pictures.
Thank you Stefan, for promoting this model in your country!


Fan inspired

Some time ago I was contacted by Kstraw2:

Hello Ymarilego,

First let me say how much I love your work! I've been sure to support all of your current creations on Lego Ideas.

I'll be attending the Philly Brick Fest in just a few weeks. I had signed up to display something, and had been racking my brains for many weeks to figure out what to build. I wanted to build something unique, and that's when I saw your Chemical Plant creation. So, taking a look at it and the parts I had on hand, I was able to assemble a slightly modified version. I just posted pics this evening. In the description of the pics I've been sure to mention your pics here and urge people to vote on Lego Ideas for your submission. I've also created a flyer that I will have in front of my display at the Philly brick Fest, so hopefully that will spur more votes for this.

Below the link of the model he made and the flyer to get more voters :)

Thanks Kstraw2 for promoting my model in such a nice way!

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