YES less than 1000 supporters to go! This has been a fantastic journey. Let’s push to the finish line 💪
6K in 2 days!!
It took only 2 more days to reach 6k! That staff pick is really doing something. Huge thanks to everyone. You’re awesome!
See you at 7k
Wow just as my project is beginning to stall, BAM! It just explodes!
First, I post an update with a showcase video and less than a week later, I receive a staff pick! On the same day where I hit 5K! Persistence pays off. Thank you so much, everyone, for supporting me and my project. And a huge thanks to the LEGO team for highlighting my project!
Have you watched the video yet? It takes about a minute, so there’s really no excuse;)
See you at 6K
Hi Everyone
I’ve been busy. Turns out university takes up a lot of time…
Anyways, thank you so much for 3K and for 4K! We’re steadily climbing!
Now, big things have happened. I’ve made a promo video that just went live. I know many of you have been skeptical of whether the train can drive or not. I’m happy to report that it works flawlessly on official LEGO tracks! Not convinced? Well, take a look at the video down below!
I’ve reached a point where I really don’t think I can improve the model much more. So all of you, let’s reach 10K together! Share the video with friends, family, social media groups and so on. Every support counts!
2K and UP wrote an article!
2000 like! Yes! Thank you so much! We’re steadily climbing 💪
As I teased in my last update, I have been in dialogue with Union Pacific’s communication department. And you know what? They just posted an article about my model over on the UP website! On the home page! It’s absolutely incredible, I’m so honored. Huge thanks to Ashley for writing this fine article, she really got the essence of it. And an even bigger thanks to Glenn Kelly for (by himself) reaching out to UP on my behalf and getting the ball rolling. Look what it has lead to! Incredible.
Next step is getting the last few pieces from LEGO in a few days, and then building begins!
You people are awesome. Tell your friends to support. See ya at 3K.
1K Thank you!
Hi everyone
Wow 1000 supporters already? Thank you so much all of you! It’s absolutely incredible! Let’s keep going!
So what’s happened lately? I’ve been spending money… buying parts! Lots and lots of parts. I’ve also received almost all of it, I only need one more shipment from LEGO (you all know how long bricks and pieces orders can take) and I’m ready to build.
One thing I forgot to mention in the description; I’ve actually implemented lights in the furnace. Not as a light brick but the actual train light. So when the train is running, the fire lights up! It’s gonna be awesome!
One last thing. I’ve been in contact with a little company you might know, it’s called Union Pacific. Stay tuned for that ;)
Thank you all. Next step, 2K!