-Video demonstration video
The Big Wheel v3.0 is a fun machine to drive and build that I want to make available as a set to the Lego community and Lego fans. The set contains approximately 1,000 pieces and comes with 2 XL motors, PF lights, remote, and IR receiver. The set uses gray technic tank tracks that I turned inside out to form a wheel then I built a rim inside to support the tracks. Both wheels are my own design and are driven by 1 Xl motor each. The set uses the weight of the battery box to keep it from flipping again and again when you drive it. When the set drives it can drive straight turn go in reverse and can do 360s. The Big Wheel contains parts for the remote, set, and for the stand.
The set is 9 inches long ( 24 centimeters ) and is 7 inches tall ( 18.5 centimeters ). The stand is 5 1/2 inches wide ( 14.5 centimeters ) and is 8 inches long ( 21.5 centimeters ).
The set features a removable panel to get to the battery pack which is removable as it is on Lego Technic sets with power functions. All the wires are also tucked under the back to keep a neat look.
This is what the back looks like after you put the battery back and put the panel back on.
This is what the drive looks like on the inside of the rim. It features a turntable gear on both sides with three smaller gears on the inside to provide drive. Both sides also allow you to flip out the cover to access the gears in case they come loose.
-Video demonstration video
( Sorry about bad picture quality had to reduce file size to fit on website. )
-Partners on project BigWheel and VwVan.
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