Product Idea |

Ohio State University Marching Band


Update 5: Thank you for 7,500 Supporters!

This passed week this project got to 7,500 supporters. That means this is over 3/4 of the way towards the 10,000 supporter goal! Thank you to everyone who has supported so far!

As part of reaching this milestone, I decided to work on a side-project related to this. I built the drum major out of Lego!
I am not officially adding this to the project I have submitted to Lego Ideas, but I wanted to share this anyways.

Here is another picture of the drum major with two band members:

I also took some more pictures of the ordinary band members that are a part of this project because I modified the head built slightly, and I finally got some pieces to represent different skin tones.

Finally, I think it's important to show off the famous drum major backbend!

Thank you once again to everyone! This project has been a lot of fun to work on, and I have loved seeing how excited people are for it! Keep sharing this with your friends and any band fans you know so we can reach 10,000 supporters!



Update 4: Now There’s Three!

Hello everyone,
This week we managed to pass 6,000 supporters on Lego Ideas for Lego TBDBITL! Thank you to everyone who has supported this project and shared this with your friends! It has been amazing seeing all the excitement people have for this project, and it fills me with hope that we’ll reach 10,000.

I recently has the chance to go on Good Day Columbus and talk about the project and my time in band at OSU. You can find the segment here:

In honor of reaching 6,000 supporters, I decided the lone marcher was a little bit lonely, so I got parts to build two more!

I am happy with how these two new bandmates turned out, and I hope you all like this picture with all three of them together! Hopefully someday I’ll be able to get enough members to cover each part. Until then, thank you again to everyone who has supported this project so far!

Let’s Go Bucks!


Update 3: Uniform Inspection

Hello everyone! I’ve got another update today, this time we’re gonna take a closer look at the Lego TBDBITL uniform and some of the recent changes I have made to the model.

But first, here’s another shot of the beloved sousaphone, this time with a fancy new green background!

The Ohio State University Marching Band’s uniform has a long history and has received relatively few changes over the years. It began as a simple navy blue ROTC uniform back when the band was a part of Ohio State’s ROTC program. It then changed to include white cross belts, spats, and a few different styles of hats and plumes over the years. The white spats help to highlight the band’s iconic chair step, and the cross belts and plumes help give visual interest to the uniform that distinguishes it from standard ROTC uniforms from back in the day.

Looking at the overall uniform on the latest version of the model, you can notice a few changes from the original pictures I put on the website.

One of the more noticeable changes is the addition of a silver button in the middle of the torso. The actual uniform the band uses has 4 buttons, but two of the are covered by the brass pieces of the white cross belts, which can be seen making an X shape on the front and back of the uniform.

The other new addition is a little hotdog that sits on the right shoulder of the uniform!
Alright, this isn’t actually a hotdog, it’s a beret! When the band is in the stands, they wear this beret instead of their hats. This is because the band has a tradition of keeping their heads covered, but the uniform hat can get painful to wear for a long period of time due to its snug fit. The beret helps the band stay uniform and comfortable! When it’s not in use, the beret gets pinned to the right shoulder of the uniform.

If we turn the model around, you can see that I changed the cross belts to match the pattern they have in the front. It’s a cleaner look than was there before, and it is also more durable.

The next change I made was completely redesigning the elbow joints. I was not happy with how loosely the turntable pieces I used before would rotate, so I modified the elbows to instead use T-bars and clips to keep the same degree of motion while also being more stiff.

In addition to the changes I made to the model, I also started working on a new instrument. The cymbals!
The cymbals in the band are not the typical silver color of the other instruments. Instead, they are brass-colored.

Thank you again to everyone who has supported this project so far!

Let’s go Bucks!


Update 2: Lego TBDBITL can now dot the "i"

Wow! We got to 5,000 supporters so fast that I didn't even have time to prepare anything for 1,000 supporters! Thankfully, I got my latest part of this project done just in time to celebrate 5,000 supporters!

Thank you so much to everyone who has help us get this far! Your support here on Lego Ideas, and your sharing this project with everyone else has been absolutely incredible to see! This even ended up on the local news, which I honestly didn't expect!

In honor of this latest milestone, I decided to make good on a promise I made to the sousaphones of the band when they asked me "Where's the sousaphone? WHO'S GONNA DOT THE 'i'?"

Well, without any more delay, here it is:

Thank you again to everyone that has help my idea get this far! We're halfway to 10,000, so lets keep this going!



Update 1

Thank you to everyone who has supported this project so far! As of writing this, we are already almost to 750 supporters!
I made a promise to the high brass in the band that I would build a trumpet if this reached 100 supporters, and needless to say that we exceeded that goal.
Here are some pictures of the new trumpet:

Thank you again! Go Bucks!

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