Product Idea |

La Belle Ruelle


Grand! More than 3000 supporters! We count already 3018 dream fulfiller! Time to introduce you to...

... the 3rd main character and lucky charm of my build: Julien ( @Julientheclownofthebrick):

Julien is represented by a customizes minifigure, which is created out of
  • part #3626cpb2581 for the head
  • part #21269 in yellowish green for the hair
  • part #27151 in red for the bow tie
  • part #973pb0547 for the torso
  • part #981/983 in red for the arms as well as #983 in white for the hands
  • part #970cc00 in green for the legs (alternatively dark green)

He is an active creator and fan designer here on LEGO Ideas with several entries, where he is dedicated to the topic of clowns and likes to make people laugh. 🤡

Successes so far:
  • VINTAGE TRANSPORTATION: SEDAN CHAIR- this was one of the winner entries of the EXHIBIT YOUR CREATIVITY IN THE LEGO HOUSE!challenge, which is why it is currently exhibited in the LEGO House in Billund.
  • BIG, his contribution to the challenge IF WE COULD TURN BACK TIME, which is one of the winners of the 2nd round of the challenge.
  • Additionally he participates in the current LEGO House challenge with a beautiful diorama,where he plays incredibly well with depth and perspective and creates a spatial impression that belies the small size of the masterpiece:

His LEGO Ideas entries are created with a lot of fun, passion and dedication ... and usually with a clear penchant for red and yellow, if it weren't for

A cool little build with a lot of great details to descover. Don't miss out to read the description and the updates! It's worth reading, you'll see!

Additionally, he shows the same passion in his incredibly funny stop-motion films, which can be admired in the numerous and well-executed updates of his creations. You can also admire them on his YouTube channel. Don't forget to subscribe! 😊

However, here in this model you'll see Julien in a bit of a hurry and passes by on his bicycle, as he was recently distributing flyers but now cannot be late for his own show. But there must still be time to wave!

If you'll find time, check out Julien's creations @Julientheclownofthebrick and support them, if you want. I would appreciate it! Thx in advance!

I hope you enjoyed the update. The next character will be introduced with around 3500 to 4000 supporters. Until then,


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I am delighted to introduce you to @the invisible brick!

The invisible brick is represented by a customizes minifigure, which is created out of
  • part #62810 in black for the hair
  • part #3626bpb0628 for the head
  • part #973pb0298 in red for the torso
  • part #981/983 in red for the arms as well as in yellow for the hands
  • part #970cc00 in dark blue for the legs

However, this is actually his "secret identity" as he is normally known as follows (see The Old Town Arch):
  • part #3003 in trans-clear for his (brick)head
  • part #973pb2035 in red for the torso
  • part #981/983 in green for the right arms and hands
  • part #981/983 in white for the left arms and hands
  • part #970cc00 in white for the legs

His „secret identity“ minifigure was designed by himself, to give me the opportunity to give him a more everyday role in my model. So of course he had to reveal his secret identity.

The invisible brick is a passionat fan of space and LEGO, which is perfectly combined in the Classic Space theme or generally speaking in LEGO Space! He is an active fan designer who participates on a regulary basis in Challenges and Activities!
His space designs are very impressive and outstanding, and he is probably one of the best designers of this genre here on LEGO Ideas.

But please see for yourself (just a few examples of his grand work):

Visit his profile and check out his awesome work: @the invisible brick

I admire his creations! Therefore, I would really appreciate if you would check them out and like them, if you feel so. They are truly inspiring, why it is worth taking time for it!

Before I forget to mention, in my model he is the customer at the hairdresser:

I hope you enjoyed the update. The next character will be introduced with around 2500 to 3000 supporters. Depands on the progress. Until then,




As promised, I want to introduce you to @Monsieur Greenhorn!

Monsieur Greenhorn is represented by a customizes minifigure, which is created out of
  • part #62810 in light bluish grey for the hair
  • part #3626cpb0849 for the head
  • part #973pb4273 in green for the torso
  • part #981/983 in green for the arms as well as in yellow for the hands
  • part #970cc00 in sand blue for the legs

Monsieur Greenhorn is a passionat fan of the Classic Space theme as well as of the new Space Babies figurines! He is an active fan designer with the aim to bring affordable Classic Space sets to every fan as well as to make LEGO publish much more different coloured Space Babies!

That’s why he created his fantastic Classic Space Baby Command Base (which still needs support!):

Real build:

Digital version:

  • Six baby astronauts (Space Babies) in yellow, blue, red, white, black and green
  • One Classic Spaceman in dark bluish gray (as part of the Classic Space Monument)
  • The 8x8 Rover with a suspension in the form of swing axles that is 6 studs wide and offers space for 7 Babynauts, has a crane arm, an opening door and a removable roof
  • The exploration Spaceship LL-9 ½ with space for two babynauts
  • Four assistant robots in orange and lime
  • Three extraterrestrial lifeforms in pink

The set is not jsu a great diorama and an awesome tribute to the Classic Space theme, it is also very playable and offers endless joy!

Besides this wonderful creation @Monsieur Greenhorn is very active in the community and and impressed by his politeness and his great and devoted support for other designers!
Is kindness is legendary and already given in his user name! Greenhorn (rookie) is a given because of his attitude that you never stop learning and that is best done with the dedication and passion of a newbie! Monsieur means nothing other than gentleman who always strives to be courteous and polite towards others. In my opinion, he lives up to his name!

Successes so far:

To sum it up, I admire his outstanding talent! Therefore, I would really appreciate if you would support his "baby" the CSBCB! Please understand this as a call to all Classic Space fans - because we absolutely have to try to reach the next milestone! That would be so wonderful!

I hope you enjoyed the update. The next character will be introduced with around 2000 supporters. Until then,



Over 500 supporters and 412 days left! And as if that wasn't enough, this creation was featured!

I am very thankful about the staff pick! Thank you to the LEGO team and thank you to all of the supporters which have brought my build so far. The last few hours were just amazing!

My entry is currently the most visible on the page. And this is not without effect (+ 80 supporters today until now):

For comparison, this is the graph of The Fountain Place, which was usually on par (just +15 supporters today until now):

I feel very honored, truly grateful and overjoyed about this unexpected honor and support!

But I would also like to use this update to show you two things:

First of all, I want to show you a better image of @Monsieur Greenhorn, who places a role in my build as waiting customer at the hair dresser (a more detailed introduction to Monsieur Greenhorn will follow):

In front you can see the opaque alternative version of @the invisible brick. He has selected this minifig on his own, as representation of himself, anywhere where a transparent brick doesn't work so well as a head. 😂 Granny can be seen at the entrance, where she is just reaching for the door handle. And last but not least, Monsieur Greenhorn is sitting in the waiting area, where he enjoys an exciting and captivating book!

Additionally, I want to show you my digital LEGO town. La Belle Ruelle has already found a place in there:

Hope you like it!
The next update will follow when La Belle Ruelle will have reached the 1k milestone!

Have fun! 🥳

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