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Granny's Little House

Let's visit granny!

Everyone in Lego Town is calling her granny, although she isn't everyone's granny. But this means a lot to her! Granny is a cute old lady and beloved by everyone. She has a gentle disposition and is the epitome of inner peace. She always has good advice and is open to everyone. She always finds the right words and has cheered up a few people.

Granny is living in her small but classic elegant house since ages. Unfortunately, the last decade without the love of her life. He was a good soul and left her far too soon. However, she doesn't live still entirely alone, due to her loyal German Shepherd is a good company, which is never leaving her side. She likes to enjoy her really beautiful garden. Thank God she doesn't live on a busy street, but vehicles pass by every now and then. But Granny hardly lets anything bother her. Not even loud cars and motorcycles can disturb her peace. Only the alert dog jumps up from time to time. But even he doesn't stalk to the front gate because Granny's calmness really rubs off on him.

So don't miss to give Granny a place in your heart ... and much more in your Lego Town. The small, nice house of Granny has a little garden, which brings a little bit of green to the town. The garden comes up with colourful plants, a little pond, a pavilion as well as cosy bench for having a nice rest in the green.

The house has three floors. Due to it's just a small house, the interior is rather modest, but grandma is happy. Only the two spiral staircases are giving her a lot of trouble already.
On the ground floor there is the kitchen, where she takes often place at the table for doing her crosswords. The upper floor contains the living room and a cosy place on the bay window. The mansard roof contains the last floor, which serves as bathroom including a basin, a shower and a toilet.  

Please give Granny a chance! She is looking forward for having a place in the shelf of your trusted Lego store! Hence, don't forget, a little support never hurts! :-)

Have fun!

  • #building
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  • #house
  • #car
  • #city
  • #motorbike
  • #modular
  • #modular building
  • #garden
  • #pavilion

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