Product Idea |

Jules Verne's Nautilus


Small improvements?

The project is now the last quarter of the support phase! Thank you all!

In order to be even closer to the novel, I would like to add a battering ram on the Nautilus. I have prepared two different designs and would like to know if you like this add and which one you prefer.

I also added side tails to get the submarine more functional .

Please let me know in the comments what you think about these changes. Thank you.


Choose your favorite size

The project has just entered in the last third of the support phase. Thank you all.

I wonder about the ideal size that the submarine should have. Please let me know in the comments which one you prefer.



Half of Nautilus is achieved! Thank you very much for all of supporters so far!
Feel free to support, comment, and share to help the project keep growing and reach 10K!


A third of the way is completed in less than 3 weeks.

It's awesome!
In order to celebrate this step here is a teaser that you can use on social networks to help the project.
Thank you very much to all the supporters so far and to all those to come.

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