My new project - Free Fall Tower is live on IDEAS
Hello my friends! I am proud to announce my new MOC - Free Fall Tower!
It is a fully automated drop tower and it pefectly fits with my priate ship ride. Please support it too!
LEGO Pirate Ship Ride published for 1 Month on LEGO IDEAS and it has 2000+ support now!
It's been a month for Pirate Ship Ride on LEGO IDEAS, I got more than 2000 supports in 1 months!
I found all my hard works for build the Ship are so worth by having the like and love from worldwide. It was featuring on The Brothers Brick and also many media was introducing it also. Your support and your like mean everything to me indeed. Thank you.
I've taken a video and pics for showing how it goes with with Carousel - 10257 & Ferris Wheel - 10274. Please like and share. Don't forget to support. Thank you!
LEGO Pirate Ship Ride with Carousel (10257)
The project has gathered 1500+ supports. I would like to say thank you to everyone who love & supported my creation, it really means everything to me.
I've put Carousel (10257) together with my Pirate Ship Ride. Do you feel the atmophere of amusement park ?:) Video: