Product Idea |

NSWGR 3800


More pictures of 3801

Here's more images of the famous steam locomotive 3801.

3801 the Bicentenial train.

3801 doing the enthusiast trial on what was once called the Darling Harbour Metropolitan Goods Line.


3801 with the 4472 flying scotsman at Penrith Double header.


the original 3801 doing an express service just outside Stanmore station.


Now here are some old images of the Streamlined locomotives that the 38 class locomotives were based on.


Now Please support me.


express trip

Here's 3800 doing an express run.


3800 update part 2

If you want to see what it looks like here's some images what 3801 looks like.

Now can you please support 3800 please, I beg of you because its for the Sydney Desk Railway.

However reached 34 supporters , can you please support more.


3800 update

3800 has some problems like: the front is too wide, no funnel no whistle and not detailed enough. so i've done some surgery on it.

It now has a whistle on the side instead on the top of the firebox boiler and the tip of the funnel can still been seen, also I made a new cab plus some new instruction manual below so here's the link.


please support this engine as fast as you could.

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