New color scheme #1
To celebrate this wonderful start, here is a new color scheme for my SPAD S.XIII project.
As suggested by some of you through their comments, it is showing the SPAD S.XIII with serial number S4523 piloted by Edward Vernon "Eddie" Rickenbacker, one of the most famous US ace during World War I, when he was flying within 94th Aero Squadron.
- Here is an overview of the plane upon its pedestal and a closup of the panel:
- The plane is wearing a four colors camouflage on its upper side, with a red nose:
I hope you will enjoy this new color scheme. Rendering the camouflage is not very easy with Lego bricks, but I hope the result is pleasant.
And again, thank you so much to all of you!
Reached 600 votes!
I truly want to warmly thank all of you for your support!
After only 3 weeks, my SPAD S.XIII project has reached 600 votes!
What a wonderful start!
Popular this week!
My SPAD S.XIII project is in the "Popular this Week" rubric barely 48 hours after being approved!
Thank you so much to all of you for your support and all your kind messages!
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