Product Idea
Powered Technic New Holland Speedrower Windrower
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A lesser known piece of farm equipment, but no less important to those who use it, is the self-propelled windrower. This piece of equipment is used to cut green crop and lay it into windrows to condition it (i.e. dry) for later pick up and processing by harvesters. The crops can be hay and forage for bailing, or small grain crops for threshing/cleaning by a combine harvester. As shown here, a discbine header is attached, which is for hay/forage.
This is a piece of equipment that has not been previously represented in LEGO (at least to the best of my searching). The scale of this model is in keeping with my other prior submissions (combine, forage harvester). Using Technic components with small modular motors and Powered Hub, this model is driveable. What's unique about the prototype, and this model, is that the front driving wheels can operate independently for steering, and the rear wheels are merely caster wheels that follow and support the rear end of the machine.