History alive
A few months ago saw the return of the famous engine, The Flying Scotsman. I wanted to do my own rendition of the train in Lego form. The model is 6 studs wide. Power functions is built into the engine and tender. Enjoy the photo of the model, which will turn into a future idea.
Happy Halloween
It might be a tad late, but I want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. Here is a treat for the holiday.
update in design
After a while of researching and analyzing Lego train design, am proud to introduce an update to my train. The tank car and engine was updated, along with the bogeys for the cars. More updates are to come with new additions and changes as i make the train look better, but still keep my flare on it. The same is happening with my Polar Express set. I can guarantee you all will not be disappointed. Till the next update,enjoy!
New narrow gauge train coming soon
The locomotive on the left is part of the new set I plan on releasing soon. I hope you all enjoy it.
Happy Fourth of July!
Autobots Roll Out!
New Teaser
New locomotive coming
Along with the Crescent Limited, I also plan on releasing an Amtrak train which will consist of a locomotive and 2 passenger car. The Engine is done and a preview can be seen below. I hope you all enjoy and until next time, Brick On!
Coming Soon
It's big, it's green, and it is racing down the line. Be on the watch for this express.
200+ supporters
Thank you for the support you have given towards this project. Little by little the finish line is getting closer. As part of the thank you I wish to show off what they engine looks like in different company colors.
From left to right there is Union Pacific, BNSF #1, and BNSF #2.
Enjoy and Brick On!
Potential Idea
This idea was inspired by through a challenge my friend gave me. We liked the results and I am know thinking of submitting to Lego Ideas as a new set. The images below are the only ones I have of the design, but more will come if the idea is well liked enough. The set is of my own design and not based from any previous concept. I hope you all like it. I present the Nuclear Powered Train (or Atomic engine, still working on a name).