Hi everyone!
This makes for my 8th submission on this cite. This time we go back to the fascinating and stunning space! I tried to make my own take on a very bellowed movie by many, Interstellar!
Since I have gotten so much positive feedback and compliments on my microbuild ”Neuswanstein castle” I thought I would go back to the microbuilds again. I have also a big love for the architecture line-up, being a architecture student myself, I have all those sets myself. I think they are a neith way to display a bigger picture in a smaller format!
In total I made it 5 different scenes from the movie. There is a lot of scenes you can capture but I felt these made a good combination. I also included a little plack with the movie name. I think it fits well. I am also open to adding a astronout figure to the set if it would go all the way. Would be nice with a very detailed minifigure to stand along side the display!
Scene 1:
The house. I feel like the opening/begining of the movie is a must. The house and the big cornfield farm. Where they chase the drone in their pickup truck driving through the fields. It is very iconic from the movie. I tried to represent the drone and the car aswell in there.
Scene 2:
This scene is also very rememberable. The water planet, where time passes a lot slower. While making a quick stop on it, they realise that the planet has huge tidal waves that goeas around the planet. It is a very good scene and one a lot remember, so it made the list.
Scene 3:
I felt like the spaceship itself must be included. I mean, it is a movie about space travel?. This ship is also very iconic and interesting in the design. Since it is so crusual for the story, it felt like a auto include and a good scene to have in the middle of the skyline. It was a little tricky in this scale to represent it, but I think I made it quite well in the end! It also has some stars around on the ground to try and make it look more like it is floating in space!
Scene 4:
Probably the most recognisable thing from the whole movie that everyone has seen images of. The black hole. I did want to make it buildable, not just a disc with a sticker on it. I think it represents the original black hole quite well. I place it on a hinge piece so it can be tilted a little if liked. Also the black ground underneith is dented downwards, to show a little of the theory of relativitiy and how gravity works.
Scene 5:
The final scene is the one that I think twisted most peoples mind. When we are inside a black hole, and a sort of 4th dimension, that is time, appears. I tried to recreate this strange place with all the string-like things in the surrounding. I think the bookshelf scene is also one that is very well known and made for a final finishing scene in the set. I am very happy with th eresult, using a sticker on a clear panel piece to achieve some sort of a feel for being able to look through it to Murphs room on the other side.
There isn't too much to say about this set. It is very self-explainathory since it is a micro build. Not any special features etc, just a really nice displaypiece!
I think it would make an awsome set because of how well known and appreciated this movie is. Almost everyone has seen it atleast once! It is usually among the top 10 movies people have seen and I think this captures the movie very well!
Untill next time, Thank you for reading & supporting!
Best and kindest regards,
(PS: background images has been made by myself in photoshop. They are my own artworks)