Product Idea |

Modular Bathroom


As an addition to the LEGO modular housing, this exclusive modular bathroom offers everything you as an unofficial LEGO citizen would require for your everyday needs. 

Take a shower behind a shower curtain without the worry of an indecent exposure. And when you're finished, be sure to reach for the towel in the towel rack to dry yourself. 

Doing number 1 or 2 has never been easier with an exclusive flushing mechanism for your toilet. Just press the yellow button and let the water from the flusher rinse the waste. Oh, and don't forget to use the available toilet paper.

When you're done, make sure to wash your hands in the sink.

If you wish to fix your hair or apply makeup, use one of the four available drawers to pull out the appropriate items. Right in front of you is the biggest mirror ever so you can see yourself from all the angles and never make that haircut mistake again.

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