Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure - San Dimas Mall
Getting ready to Face the Music
With the new film coming out TOMORROW, I got totally inspired to design minifigure variants of Bill and Ted's Face The Music costumes alongside the originals from Excellent Adventure!
It’s interesting how the look of Bill and Ted has evolved. Ted’s salmon button-up recalls his t-shirt from Bogus Journey, and Bill’s t-shirt / flannel combo becomes gradually more understated, moving towards a more "dad" outfit. The new looks are generally more mature and subdued (especially color-wise), and yet still totally recognizable as the characters. Pretty cool.
We only have 52 days left to reach 10K votes! So please, share our project with any personages of historical significance you might know. 🎸🎶
Bill S. Preston's non-heinous support
Alex Winter has been very kind and vocal in his support of our project, and I really appreciate it. I also never get tired of seeing posts like this.
Talkin' B&T with BtB
Last week, I got to talk to the fine folks at Beyond the Brick about this project! We discussed my inspirations for the set, why I think Bill & Ted are deserving of this recognition, my experience as a LEGO Ideas newbie, and more. Check it out:
I also used it as an opportunity to show off some of the new project images I've been working on! The new "Face the Music" trailer inspired me to finally update the Wild Stallyns band photo. I added the digital B&T minifig designs, a WS drumhead, and did a recolor test on Princess Joanna's hair. (With the blonde prototype wig, people keep mistaking her for Missy. I mean, Mom.)
I made a new main image for the project, too! This one again has the face and torso designs from Kevin Hinkle, as well as the updated booth and a few other bits of recoloring I wanted to add. 🎸🎶
Happy Bill and Ted Day, part 2!
Today I decided to celebrate the two Great Ones by sprucing up this image of the iconic time-traveling phone booth!
The most fun thing to design was the "Circuits of Time" tile cover. I referenced the book's appearance in Excellent Adventure, only changing the layout slightly (to fit on a square) and replacing the mercurial feet-with-wings with more appropriate minifig legs.
I also added the word "phone" to the top of the booth (which really took a lot of effort) and the red decals on the windows. In the actual product, I imagine these would either be printed or stickers affixed to the standard 1 x 4 x 6 "glass for window" element (#57895).
While I was at it, I also updated Bill and Ted's torsos and faces to feature the custom printing designed by Kevin Hinkle! Party on, dudes! 🎸🎶
"Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" teaser promo
Thanks for the support, everyone! We're getting psyched for "Bill and Ted Face the Music" over here, and I couldn't resist making this parody version of the Super Bowl teaser. 🎸🎶
Happy Bill and Ted Day, dudes!
It's "Bill and Ted Day", and to celebrate the occasion, we put together this video of David demonstrating all of the outstanding features of this playset! STATION.
Week 1 update!
It's only been a week since we launched, and we've already got nearly 300 supporters! The positive response to this project has been truly excellent, and I was particularly stoked to see this feedback in particular—from B&T co-creator/writer Ed Solomon and "Bill S. Preston, Esq." himself, Alex Winter!
Thanks for the support, everyone! Let's keep it going!