Product Idea |

Stories From the Past.

Hi there.

The idea I have made is a small build with inspiration in my childhood. I grew up in the countryside and I lived close to the forest and a old manor house. Me and my friends play a lot outside in the area and made stories about knights and the forestmen. So this is the result of my memories of this part of my childhood.  

I think it will make a great set for its playability,contains a hidden door that opens when you turn the statue of the knight. A tower with the ghost. And the forestmen on overwatch from the platform. The kids on their bikes and a small fireplace. The one bike has a puncture and maybe the kids must stay for the night in the forest...  

Hope people will enjoy this little build as much as I did creating the set. 

This idea contains 1360 brick at the moment. 

Minifigs :
2 Kids
1 Knight
2 Forestmen
1 Ghost
1 Statue.

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