Product Idea |


The Inspiration
Innerspace is a 1987 sci-fi film, directed by Joe Dante, with Steven Spielberg as executive producer.
The film chronicles the science experiment of Lieutenant Tuck Pendleton (Dennis Quaid) who, after being shrunk on board his submersible pod, is accidentally injected into Jack Putter's (Martin Short) body instead of a rabbit's.
With the help of his girlfriend Lydia Maxwell (Meg Ryan) and Jack himself, he must find a way out of the body before it runs out of oxygen.
This hilarious film also won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects in 1988.

The Idea
The idea of ​​the project is to recreate the submersible pod used by Tuck Pendleton to travel inside Jack Putter's body.

The 4 motors of the capsule (2 in the upper part and 2 in the lower part) are clearly visible and can be moved, thus assuming the function of rudder for navigation.

There are 5 lights on the front and 4 on the back. The lower lights anchored to the hull are fixed, while the upper ones are adjustable.

Another distinguishing feature of this vehicle lies in the 4 mechanical arms used to interface with the Jack's body.
When the arms are not in use, they are placed on their supports at the front and back.
The back arms are connected to two large black cylinders present under the hull, while the front ones are directly connected to an implant on the side of the capsule.
All 4 arms move independently in all directions.

Analyzing the back you can see the two oxygen tanks with the red cap, and other systems for the survival of the pilot.

In the upper part of the passenger compartment, between the two engines, there is the entrance hatch. the capsule provides space for the pilot only, with extensive instrumentation to keep the oxygen level and the operation of all equipment under control at all times.
To further improve the playability of the vehicle, the central glass can be moved forward to facilitate the positioning of the minifig inside the cockpit.

the vehicle is positioned on two runners, very similar to those of a helicopter.

The set contains a tile with the technical description of the vehicle and the following minifigs:
- Jack Putter
- Tuck Pendleton
- Lydia Maxwell

Why make this a set?

LEGO has produced incredible sets dedicated to the vehicles featured in the cult films of the 80s.
Innerspace is a cult film from that period and it would definitely be nice for any fan to add this set to the collection.
It also contains lots of details and is very playable and fun. The capsule has a very particular shape, which in some ways reminds me of the classic Lego Space sets, among which it would look really good!
In short, all the elements are there for a great set!

I hope you like it and want to support it! 

P.S. If you don't know the film yet, go and watch it, I recommend it!

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