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Japanese Garden Paperweight




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Pagoda Paperweight 
This simple scene on a small baseplate depicts a Japanese house and garden. A river runs through the garden, and can be crossed by a simple bridge. The garden also contains a fountain and 5 trees of various colors due to the blossoms on them. It even has a house, surrounded by flowering bushes. The front hat a red dot surrounded by Japanese katanas for decoration. Overall, it is composed of many small pieces- 323 to be exact. This gives it more weight and less air, making it an ideal paperweight.

The main challenges in this build were the house roof, the bridge, and the curved base. The smallest of these challenges was the bridge. It was only tricky because I was using building digitally on an iPad, using Mecabricks, and that is not easy. On the roof, I found a 1x2 brick that sloped over the other slopes, making a nice shape. I then used skeleton legs and a bar with clips to create a porch roof. The hardest thing to solve was filling the grass into the curved shape of the base and around the river. It is still not perfect, but looks better than my earlier drafts. 

Favorite Parts
My favorite part of this model is probably the bridge. I really like how it looks using the hot dog  pieces as railings. Note: I don‘t think they are found in brown, they are just being used in brown here. I also really like how I was able to fit a lot of details in a small space.

Other Notes
  • If you like this you may like my other microscale idea, Modular Medieval Microworld. Otherwise check out my profile for other ideas.
  • Not all these pieces are in production in these colors.

Thanks for your support,
Math Whiz

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