The Elasmobranchii (sharks) are some of the most famous animals in the oceans. There is the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), which is known for its predatory skills. There is the whale sharks (Rhincodon typus), the harmless filter feeder that is know as the largest living fish. There are the large, potentially deadly ones, such as the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier), and the tiny, harmless ones, such as the smallest, the dwarf lantern shark (Etmopterus perryi). There have been the relatives of sharks alive today, such as Carcharocles megalodon, a huge relative of the great white (although it probably looked more like a sand tiger shark). There were even the tiny ones in prehistoric times, such as sharks in the "brush headed" Stethacanthus genus.
So, here, I have chosen three of the world's sharks; the tiger shark (G. cuvier), the great white (C. carcharias), and one that I did not mention above, the second largest shark in the world, the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus).
The great white model: this part of the set shows a model of a great white, in which the scale to a minifigure is 1 foot equals 2 studs. This means that if a mifigure was human sized, the shark model would be about 19 1/2 feet long. The lower jaw of the model is posable, as are the pectoral and caudal (tail) fins. There are also 4 ball- and- socket joints all along the body, so that it can be posed in lifelike swimming position. The coloring on the model is also very accurate. Like all of the models in this set, it comes with a black stand and white information card.
The tiger shark model: the model representing the tiger sharks is actually one that I built a while ago. The scale is about the same as the great white. The size represents a fully grown shark, but I included the distinct dark and light gray stripes of a juvenile, to make it more recognizable. As with the great white, the pectoral and caudal fins are posable, as is the lower jaw and a little bit of the tail area. This part of the set was very fun to figure out, as I had to get the sloped head and the jaw on the underside of the head.
Basking shark model: the basking shark one was certainly my favorite to build. This is because, if you have ever seen a picture of a basking shark, you will know that when their jaws are open, the mouth looks like a giant O. This is because they are filter feeders, and have gill like structures on the inside of their mouths to strain the water. So, for this part of the set, I had to use several angle plates and hinges to imitate that shape. Also, for the strainers, I used minifigure hands! Since I used the same basic design, then the body and fins, except for the jaw, has the same joints.
Overall, this model represents the huge*, the deadly**, and the harmless giant***. To be clear, this is intended as one set, but with 3 parts. Each model has its own stand and information card. The bodies can be posed while on the stands, or removed to be played with. I think that this would make a great set because: 1. it is accurate, 2. who doesn't like sharks, 3. Who doesn't like LEGO sharks, and 4. it's educational. I got the idea for the tiger shark from a previous model, the great white the same way, and the basking shark from some fiddling around that I did with the great white's design.
*The great white
**The tiger shark
***The basking shark