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SpaceX Falcon 9


Improved Vacuum Merlin Engine

The second stage of the Falcon 9 features a single Merlin Vacuum engine. Compared with the engines on the first stage, it has a significantly larger expansion nozzle and exhaust section. The other tip I got from someone at SpaceX was to make the second stage engine even larger so that it better fills the 'interstage' module. (The part that hides/holds the second stage engine till stage separation). 


Improved landing legs

Someone from SpaceX sent in a couple of suggestions. The first was trying out a friction/fork for the landing legs. It worked out great, better proportions and the struts now attach to the fuselage at the mid point of the stowed legs.

Plus there is now a bit of space on the landing legs for a decal of the 'trajectory swoosh'. (The grey cross in the x of the SpaceX livery) 



Dragon 2 Capsule

The Dragon 2 Capsule is being developed by SpaceX to ferry astronauts to the international space station. It has four side-mounted thruster pods that contain SuperDraco engines. These rocket motors will allow the capsule to land anywhere on earth like a helicopter.


Dragon Capsule

A full part list and rough build outline for a Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon Capsule can be found here.


WIP - Barge

This is still a work in progress, but I have been also chipping away at an Autonomous spaceport drone ship.



The payload that was carried into orbit on flight 20 was 11 orbcomm communication satellites. They where about the size of refrigerator and are shown on the lego model in orange.  A grey mass simulator fills out the twelfth slot and keeps the payload balanced.  


Second stage

Only the top part of the falcon 9 (the second stage) makes it all the way to orbit.

At lift off, the second stage engine (a Merlin Vacuum 1C) is stored inside a section called the 'interstage', when the rocket reaches an altitude of about 80km the stages seperate. Stage one returns to earth for a landing, while the rocket on the second stage ignites and takes the payload to orbit. 


Grid Fins

Deployable hypersonic grid fins guide the first stage of the Falcon 9 down for precision landings.


Landing Legs

The first stage on the Falcon 9 has deployable landing legs.


53cm tall

The full Falcon 9 launch vehicle stands 53cm tall (21 inches). 

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