Happy 810icle day!
Unfortunately the larger update I have planned will have to wait until a bit later, but for now I have a new image of Tahu on a blurry rendition of the Ta-Koro beach. I'm planning on having this be the main project image going forward. We're still working on the plaque and on the back of the model, and hopefully we'll have something a bit more substantial for you all very soon!
Head, Torso and a Plaque
Hey! It's been a while, apologies for that. I've been working with two other members of the Bionicle community to improve this model as much as I can, and I think we've done some pretty good work.
First off, the text for the display plaque is done! I might add some more 'fun facts' about Tahu if people can think of any, but as of right now it looks on par with other Lego UCS sets. We're still working on the actual image of Tahu to go behind all the text, so you can look forward to that!
Next up, the mask has gone through a slight redesign by Trevidor of the TTV Message Boards. The shape is a lot better than the original in my opinion- it really looks like the Hau now!
Finally, Trevidor has also been doing some really good work on the torso, adding a lot more detail and depth than it originally had. The back is still a work in progress, but once the new torso is done I'll go ahead and update the main images for the project.
Also visible in these images are the amazing prints for the axle and pin holes, done by ArmoredBricks!
That's all for this update, stay tuned for more! As always, you can view the model in 3D here. Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments, and let me know if you're interested in helping!
If you want to see more from ArmoredBricks, you can check out their Lego Ideas page, their Instagram, or their Twitter.
If you want to see more from Trevidor, you can check them out on Reddit or their TTV forums account.
A Stronger Foundation
The baseplate is finished!
The feet attach to the base via a Technic pin connector, and the base is designed to hug the sides slightly to help keep Tahu upright. Now, the model originally had a space for tires on the bottom of the feet, similar to the way the UCS Hulkbuster does. This was a clever move by Lego to give its feet some extra friction and keep it from sliding over. Tahu originally had these as well, but I had to remove them to make room for the attachment points to the base. Not all is lost, though...
The back of the baseplate has compartments for the tires, so you can take Tahu off of the base and display him in an action pose if you like. They attach to the bottom of the feet like so:
Also visible in this image is the new texture for the 2x2 tile, done by ArmoredBricks! It looks fantastic, and it's much more accurate to the original model.
That's all for this update, stay tuned for more! As always, you can view the model in 3D here. Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments, and let me know if you're interested in helping!
If you want to see more from ArmoredBricks, you can check out their Lego Ideas page, their Instagram, or their Twitter.
A Strong Foundation
New Hips + Legs
I've been working with the community at /r/bioniclelego to refine and improve this model, and together we've modified the legs and hips to better match the proportions of the original Tahu set. Below you can see a direct comparison between the old build and the new build.
Old build
New build
Thank you all so much for your continued support and feedback. This model is still very much a work in progress, so be sure to share and leave your thoughts so I can make this the best it can be!
So... I kind of gave up on this project a few months ago. It wasn't due to anything in particular, just sort of burnout. I have trouble with focusing on large projects for long periods of time, and this was one of the victims of that.
But I'm not here to whine about being lazy. I'm here because I'm angry.
Lego announced the results of the third 2019 review- three sets out of the twelve made it in. All due respect to fans of Home Alone, Seinfeld, and... typewriters, I guess? But Sokoda's model really deserved the win here. The model could have been released in 2021, just in time for the 20th anniversary of the line. It was well-designed and well-thought out, and I would've loved to have had one. But nope, seems like Lego is content to give us a third disappointing ending to this franchise.
So I'm starting this back up again. Why not. Maybe spite will be a better motivator than I had before. I've still got at least 188 days left on this project, and I'm not going to sit here and let it rot. I'm going to dig up my files for this project, and I'm going to try my darnedest to get this thing out there. And if I don't make it to 10,000, I'll release the files publicly so people can still build it themselves.
If you want to help, leave me feedback either here or on my Reddit account- I want this set to look as good as possible. If you're interested in helping design parts of this set, you can! Lego Ideas accepts collaborative work, so take a second to read their rules on it. You can find these on their Guidelines page, or you can just read the relevant section below.
That's all I have to say for now. I'm not giving up on a proper send-off for Bionicle, and neither should you.