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Congratulations SpaceX!!...And Goodby Mercury Redstone
We just had a successfull liftoff of SpaceX DM-1 from Launch Complex 39-A. The Dragon capsule will perform an autonom docking tomorrow. On future Missions, it will be one of the vehicles to carry Astronauts to the ISS. My project here liftet of, but it seems like it just did a short suborbital hop, like the real Redstone. Thank you everybody, who supported this project and my old one, the A-4 sounding rocket. It's nice to see that it got so far. Thanks!
Because my Project will be expired soon [yes I still have 64 days, but I don't think this will be enough to get the 1000. You can try it of course, I would be happy! :) ] I would like to know, how many people would be interested in the instructions of the Redstone-Booster. I will see if I load them up as another update. I'm doing some rework on the Mercury capsule at the Moment, so I will give it up an own project soon, maybe after this is expired. So please say in the comments, if you're interested in the instructions.
Instructions for the Starttable
I'm sorry, I totally forgot to upload the instructions, but now... here they are:
turned numbers
Today, we have 294 supporters and 249 days left. Nice Numbers!
Successful Launch of the Horizons Mission
Today, at about 13:12 o'clock, Alexander Gerst, Serena Auñón-Chancellor and Sergei Prokopyev started their way to the ISS, ending with the docking maneuver on Friday. Good luck to them!!
New Starttable
I'm very sorry that I don't realised it but the Starttable is much to small! If this happens a second time, you can say this in the comments! But now, here are some pictures:
The Instructions will follow
Instructions Mercury-capsule
Here are the Building instructions for the Mercury-capsule
Service lifting platform
The rocket is finished but there are still some last damages. So lets enter the lifting platform and repair them.
P.S: Don't wonder if this vehicle don't looks like it could drive very good. This is true. But as you can see on the real picture, it hadn't to drive so far.
real picture:
Start table instructions
I've posted the building instructions for the start table (last update) as an update on my A4 rocket. I will post all instructions for this rocket now, day for day.