Product Idea |

NASA Mercury Redstone Rocket


Successful test flight of Space X Falcon Heavy rocket!!

Today, the Falcon Heavy rocket successfully launched for the first time and sent the red Tesla to space. The two boosters landed syncronous and without any problems, but nobody, maybe expect of Space X, knows what's happened to the central core. But anyway...Another milestone in space flight history.



The rocket is finished... But now, we want to start to space, so lets build the start table for the rocket!


Little Joe I

Let's give the poor astronaut in his rocket a bit more safety and test the escape tower system in the "Little Joe I"!

The capsule of the Mercury rocket can now also be placed on the "Little Joe"

  • hight: ca. 64cm
  • diameter: ca. 9cm
  • wingspann: ca. 28cm
  • pieces (just the booster): 649

Maybe it wouldn't be included in the set later because it's too big. I don't know

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