Product Idea |

Hocus Pocus - Sanderson Sisters' Cottage


9000 Supports!

I AM CALM! This is incredible, we are soooo close to the 10K we need to get an official Lego review. Thank you for the 9000 supports!

Tobias Jelinek (Jay), Jason Masden (voice of Thackery Binx), William Sandell (product designer of Hocus Pocus) and Mick Garris (film director of Hocus Pocus) liked this design on instagram!! We now have the support of those four and also from Vinessa Shaw (Allison), Doug Jones (Billy Butcherson) and Larry Bagby (Ice) who've liked it before!!! How awesome is that?!


8000 Supports!

We're getting soooo close to the 10K that we need for the official Lego review! Thank you all! I will be updating everything very soon, thank you for the 8000 supports!


7000 Supports!

We got 7000 supports!! Amazing! Here is a custom picture I made for you guys!

- '' Thackery Binx, what took thee so long?''

- '' I'm sorry, Emily, I had to wait 300 years for a virgin to light a candle.''

(the gate is not included in this set) 


6000 Supports!

Incredible, 6000 supports in 3 weeks! We only need 4000 more!

I made some custom prints for The Spellbook and its spell within, a Blackflame candle info-stand, paintings, a museum signage and a gravestone for Billy Butcherson!


5000 Supports!

Thank you all, for these MARVELOUS supports!

Thank you so much for the 5000 supports and for sharing! We are halfway there! You're amazing!! 


3000 Supports!

Amazing guys!! 3000 supports under two weeks! Incredible! Thank you! 

PS: Vinessa Shaw, Doug Jones and Larry Bagby AKA Allison, Billy Butcherson and Ice have officially liked this design on Instagram!!!


1000 Supports!

Thank you guys sooooo much for the 1000 supports!!!!


600 Supports!

Already 600 supports in a week! This is amazing, thank you! :)



400 Supports!

Thank you for the 400 supports! You guys are the best!!


300 Supports!

Thank you so much for the 300 supports!! It means the world to me, together we can do this! #LEGOHocusPocus 

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