Thomas and Friends has always been my favorite show that I have ever watched when I while growing up. The stories told in the show, the adventures I had with the toys I played with when I was young, I want to relieve the same golden years memories for myself and every other child that has also grown up. I mostly grew up with the model series so it would be kind of fitting since this would be a Lego model. Now for a bit of detail, this set comes with Thomas the tank engine, a shed for Thomas to sleep in while preparing for the next day. Also includes the two most famous people, that being Wilbert Awdry which was the creator of Thomas with his book series, just trying to make his son feel better while he was sick, later would become a classic series. Our second comes Britt Allcroft, the one who brought the series into a TV show, she is the one that gave us the best series ever. Hope this set does its best to honor Thomas the tank engine and the main people bringing this to life. All Aboard!