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LEGO Party!




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GOAL: Whichever player finishes his/her minibuild first wins.

STARTING OUT: All players start out on the white “podium” in the bottom right corner of the board. Players roll youngest to oldest. Minigame cannot be rolled on everyone’s first roll.


1: Go 1 space

2: Go 2 spaces

3: Go 3 spaces

4: Go 4 spaces

GREEN: Minigame


WHITE: Blank

BLACK: Lose 1 minibuild piece

PURPLE: Wonder Dice

Wonder Dice Rules:

Roll Wonder Dice to see what you get.

Gold: Collect 5 pieces

Black: Collect 1 piece

Gray: Collect 1 piece

Yellow: Collect 3 pieces

Green: Special Minigame

Special Minigame Rules:

Roll Wonder Dice to see which Minigame to play.

The 1st Place player must lose 3 of his pieces that he/she already and the player who gets last gains 3 pieces.

Gray Vents: Get blown back to start

BLUE CYLINDER: Teleport to 2nd Blue Cylinder

RED: Collect 1 minibuild piece


Shop Rules:

Roll Wonder Dice to see what you get.

Gold: "Buy" 5 pieces

Black: "Sell" 3 pieces

Gray: “Sell” 1 piece

Yellow: “Buy” 3 pieces

Green: “Buy” 1 piece

Gray Vents: “Donate” 3 pieces to the player in last

YELLOW: Collect 3 pieces


Roll Wonder Dice to see which Minigame to play.

GOLD: Tallest Tower in a Minute

Rules: gather the “Random Pieces” in a pile. Each player uses “Random Pieces” to build the tallest tower they can all at the same time in 60 seconds. Whichever player has the tallest tower when time is up wins.

BLACK: Blind Build

Rules: Each player gets 20 “Random Pieces” (they may choose the pieces themselves). They decide on a model to make their build like. Each player builds with their eyes closed. Whichever player's model turn out to be closest to the chosen model wins.

GRAY: Nabber Grabber

Rules: All “Random Pieces” are put in a pile in front of players. Each player collects as many pieces as they can one by one, and whoever has the most pieces when all pieces are gone wins.

YELLOW: Rickety Relay Race (only for two or four players)

Rules: Two players are on a team together. The first two players each get a dice, both Regular and Wonder (Wonder Dice: Gold: 1; Black: 2; Gray: 3; Yellow: 4; Green and Gray Vents: 5; Regular: Green: 5) and constantly spin, moving their characters around the board. When one reaches start again, the first player hands the dice to the second player who does the same thing that the first player did. Whichever team goes around the board once each wins. NOTE: If only two players, no teams. Players only go around board once.

GREEN: Shuffle Stud:

Rules: Use the 3 discs of the same color. One player hides one stud under one of the discs and shuffles them around. The other players must guess which disc the stud is under. The first player guesses which one the stud is under. If he/she is wrong, the shuffle player re-shuffles, and the next player does the same thing. If the first player is right, he gets 5 points, and the shuffle player re-shuffles and the next player does the same thing. Whichever player has the most points after they have gone two times wins. (Ties are allowed.)

GRAY VENTS: Closest Build

Rules: Regular Dice is rolled to decide what minibuild is chosen (1: Mech; 2: Fortress; 3: Super Jet; 4: Super Boat; GREEN: Roll again). Each player uses “Random Pieces” to build the closest model they can to the selected minibuild within 3 minutes. Whichever player has the closest model to the minibuild wins.

Once one minigame has been played, all players must have rolled twice before  another minigame can be played.


1st Place: 5 pieces

2nd Place: 3 Pieces

3rd Place: 2 Pieces

4th Place: 1 Piece


GOAL: The first player to get rid of all King Skull pieces wins, but if a player loses all THEIR lives, they must refill BOTH King Skull life bar and their life bar.

 STARTING OUT: All players start out on the white “podium” in the bottom right corner of the board. “Throne” must be in middle of the board. Place King Skull figure on the throne on the board. Each player has 1 King Skull life bar (10 lives) and 1 player life bar (5).


RED/GREEN/PURPLE: Roll Wonder Dice as "Battle Dice" and roll to see what happens.

"Battle Dice" rules:

Gold: Remove 3 lives from your King Skull life bar

Black/Gray/Gray Vents: Remove 1 life from your life bar

Yellow: Remove 1 life from King Skull life bar

Green: Special Minigame

Special Minigame rules:

Roll Wonder Dice to see which minigame to play. At the end of the minigame, the 1st place player removes 3 lives from his/her life bar and last place player removes 3 lives from his/her King Skull life bar.


Shop Rues:

Roll Wonder Dice to see what you get.

Gold: "Buy" all your lives back

Black: "Sell" 3 of your lives

Gray: "Sell" 3 of your King Skull lives

Yellow: "Buy" 2 of your lives back

Green: "Buy" 1 of your lives back

Gray Vents: "Buy" 5 of your King Skull lives back


YELLOW: Lose 3 of your lives

BLACK: Lose 1 life


1st Place: Remove 2 of your King Skull lives

2nd Place: Remove 1 of your King Skull lives

3rd Place: Lose 1 of your lives

4th Place: Lose 1 of your lives

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