Product Idea |

Open-Closed Stand


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Do you need an OPEN-CLOSEd sign for your shop?
When you customise it with your imagination, it will become an outStanding one and only one sign!

'The inventor is a man who looks around upon the world and is not contented with things as they are. He wants to improve whatever he sees, he wants to benefit the world; he is haunted by an idea. The spirit of invention possesses him, seeking materialization.'
- Alexander Graham Bell -

'When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.'
- Alexander Graham Bell -

One day, i saw these two quotes from Mr. Alexander Graham Bell and found they matched my spirit in LEGO IDEAS. An 'Open-Closed Stand' IDEA came out of my head and i started sketching on paper to put 'Open' and 'Closed' together. I wanted to see people's imagination that i left the top and bottom part for their customisation. I think people will love to see their favourite shops having their very own 'Open-Closed Stand'. 

This Open-Close Stand consists of 408 pieces and the dimension is about 20.5cm/38.5cm (w, open/closed) x 18.5cm (h) x 8cm (d). It can shift from 'OPEN' to 'CLOSEd' sign with the same set of bricks. You can put it on any stable platform or even make it a floor sign stand!

Thank you for your time and i wanna see your imagination on this project!

If you wanna give your gratitude to firefighters, please support my Firehawk Helicopter projects:

Sikorsky S-70A Firehawk Helicopter (LACoFD Air Ops Edition) 

Sikorsky S-70A FIREHAWK Fire Fighting Helicopter (With Bambi Bucket)

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