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Aperture Science Test Chamber (Portal 1/2)


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This model is based off the game Portal 2, with the Chell minifigure from the LEGO Dimensions level pack. I also made custom minifigures of Chell from Portal 1 and Cave Johnson to go in his portrait. The brick-built characters include Wheatley, an Aperture Science Sentry Turret and GLaDOS, with a little security camera at the top of the build for GLaDOS to watch Chell complete this test. It took me around 4 days to build, with many improvements along the way, and of course, the very large update. Now, onto a brief description of the model itself. The main build is an Aperture Science Test Chamber, with an orange portal on the higher wall for Chell to ambush the Sentey Turret, with a blue portal that opens on a wall next to a large red button on the floor. Under that area, there’s the cake! A simple 7-piece build that looks just like the one in the game. To the right of the cake there is the room that Chell first wakes up in at the beginning of Portal 1, with her pod-bed and her toilet, with a wall that you can easily see through due to the trans-clear panels built into it. Above the test chamber, there is a rail for Wheatley to travel across, he can attach to it using the small clip on his back. Just above the rail, there’s one of GLaDOS’s security cameras that she can use to watch Chell’s progress throughout the test. Below Wheatley’s rail, there is a small area with a Sentry Turret guarding the exit. Across that there is one of the moving panels that can slide easily across a technic axle. To the right of the sliding Panel, there is a walkway that is seen during many points in the game, mainly when deep with in the Aperture Science Laboratory. On the other side of the sludge, here is a small area with a small splodge of orange Repulsion Gel, on top of a wall with a portrait of Cave Johnson in his younger years. To the right of the portrait, there is a small room with a gel tube above a floor area coated in blue Repulsion Gel. Above the chamber, there is a small room where the Aperture Science scientists could have watched the test subject through the window... before GLaDOS ‘fired’ them all with her neurotoxin. Underneath that, there is the exit door for the test subjects to go to the lift (elevator) to travel to the next test. Beneath the main area of the test chamber, there is a room with a few crates to the left (where you can put GLaDOS’s head after changing her to Wheatley and also where you can safely store potato GLaDOS). In the middle there is a High Energy Pellet floating in mid-air after being dispensed theough the contraption on the wall. And further to the right, there is a small stickered vent piece. Now, we move on to the main villain of the game, GLaDOS. She has been built with a very simple design, that did take quite a while to perfect, and is held up by two Technic liftarms to support her weight. And she thought Chell was heavy. At the top, there is a little knob that, if turned, will turn GLaDOS around (if you arrange the joints in her body correctly, you can spin the whole thing round!). GLaDOS’s head is also attached by a simple clipping piece, that you can very easily remove to replace with Wheatley’s head for the second half of Portal 2. The GLaDOS potato is stored below the main area of the Test Chamber in a dark bluish grey crate. To the side, there is a little section of the build with the pedestal button to replace the corrupt core, with a small area to plug Wheatley into. It is seen at various points throughout the game, but it is mainly for changing GLaDOS’s head for Wheatley.

If this set was for sale, I’d expect it to be ranging from £90 - £120 ($100 - $140), because of the high piece count. Also, I know that new pieces aren’t allowed in LEGO ideas sets, but I would very much appreciate it if, if this set is available to buy, LEGO could make the portal gun dual-moulded. The whole piece is rubber at the moment, but it would be much more convenient if the end of the portal gun was rubber, and the handle and main body were hard plastic, because it is a nightmare to get into a minifigure’s hand!

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