Product Idea |

Aperture Science Test Chamber (Portal 1/2)


New Pictures!

So for this update, I haven't done anything too big. I've just re-taken the images for the project because the older ones didn't turn out as well as I thought they would. :)


The Big Update!

For this update, I've added an absolute ton of stuff! The new characters include a Sentry Turret, Cave Johnson and Chell from Portal 1! Onto the model, I've added the walkway, a storage room under the main build, the area from the opening scene of Portal 1, a sliding platform with the watery sludge beneath it, and a splodge of Blue and Orange repulsion gell next to Cave Johnson's portrait! (This update has been added the day that I submitted this, it's auch a big update that I decided to make it an Edit instead so it may take a few days to be moderated.)

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