Product Idea |

A Magical Theater - A Real Grand Illusion Show -


Third floor Interior and a demonstration of the magic

Thank you to all those who have supported so far!

Two things have been braught to my attention, which I will try to rectify in this update!

Firstly, people have asked what I meant by a "Working" Magical Theater. Watch the video below to see some easy to perform illusions I filmed a few months ago, while trying out some of the gimmicks. As you can see, you can perform real grand illusions in minifigure scale!!

Secondly, people have asked about the interior. While the interio still has lots of work to be done, I have uploaded some pictures of the interior of the top floor. The main auditorium, balchony and stage will be shown in the next update.

Please do continue to share the magic, so that we can get to 10k! Right now, we are bellow the daily avarage needed to get to the 10k mark in two and a half years, so any sharing will be much appriciated!!   

Thank's a million! 

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