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The 3D Snakes & Ladders Adventure Game


Thank You for 1750 Supporters

Well we finally hit another milestone, albeit, at a much slower pace than the other ones but still a step in the right direction. So please spread the word and support this idea. With this update we continue with the play ground theme.

  • 31) Park Bench  - While parks are often associated with high energy activities, sometimes it can be a place to sit back and relax, all while taking in the sound of nature.

  • 32 and 33) Roundabout and Sandbox - Well we had our beak on the bench, now back to the fun. Here we see the roundabout, a simple piece of playground equipment that will give you the trills. And if you are more of the creative type, hit the sandbox and explore the world of your own creativity.

  • 34) Monster Cave - Nothing like a sudden thunder storm to ruin your day. Fortunately there happens to be a cave nearby. And although it's damp and has a foul smelling draft, at least it's safe.


Thank You for 1500 Supporters

I feel like I'm repeating myself with this constant updates, but I have to show my gratitude somehow. With this update we have reached the first theme of the board game (where 5 adjacent spaces are connected by a particular theme). This and next update will have spaces that revolve around places that you might find in a playground.

  • 26) Wishing Well - There are many things that are said to grant wishes, shooting star, dandelions and birthday candles. But my favourite is the wishing well. Unlike the other methods, its powers extend to anyone who offers a coin ; in other words it belongs to the community. So if you believe strong enough and dig deep enough, everyone's wishes will come true.

  • 27) Dino Dig Site - I remember when I first learned about dinosaurs. There was just something awe inspiring learning that such animals used to walk the ground that we stand on now. And what was even more amazing is that their remains are still out there, waiting for a young paleontologist to discover. So what are you waiting for let's get digging.

  • 29 and 30) Swing Set and Slide - The playground is often a symbol of childhood fun. When ever your parents forced you outside, the playground became the number one place to hang out at, and with fun things like swings and slides around, you'll never be bored at the playground.


Thank You For 1250 Supporters

Once again we hit another milestone. So here are some more promo images.

  • 22) Pumpkin Patch - Pumpkin patches are suppose to be fun. That is unless a girl with glasses tells you how she has a friend who believes in the "Great Grape" who will deliver presents to all the good little children. In that case, you either are about to blessed with a mountain of toys, or that friend of her is a complete blockhead.

  • 23) Revolving Doors - There is something magical about revolving doors. I don't know why but the feeling of coming in and out, round and round, in a revolving door just beings joy to me as a child and I want to share that feeling in this build.

  • 24) Desert - The desert while seemingly empty can be home to a plethora of plants and animals. But if you're our hopeless travelers here it, it is an unforgiving place. And with little drinkable water available, drinking water from a fishbowl may not be out of the question (let's hope it doesn't get to that point).

  • 25) Christmas Tree - We have reached space number 25, so it felt right to make this space about Christmas. And while getting presents is great it is also a time for giving.


We did it we reached 1000 Supporters!

Thank you once again, we finally reached another milestone, and while it might be late, I was busy making this as a way to thank you for your support.


Thank You For 750 Supporters

Another milestone has been reached so as promised here are some more screenshots. Next is 1000 and I'm planning something special for that.

  • 16) Waterfall - There is nothing more beautiful that watching the rushing water of a waterfall. However, you must always be careful around these mighty forces of nature; so be sure to watch you step crossing the water. But if you take the time to see falls, take a good look because you might notice the treasure that lurks within the falls.

  • 18) Paint Room - Painting is one of the first form of art we did as kids next coloring. And while what we made would never be considered a masterpiece, we never let it stop us from appreciating what we make. And if you ask our elderly artist over here, she'll say "the only thing that matters in art is that you can find joy in it".

  • 19) Explosive Room - I don't know what's worse, having a room full of explosives or have a lit candle in the middle of all. Either way, you do not want to stay when this room goes sky high.

  • 21) Anthill - If you thought being in Tiny Town was weird, in this area, you're the small one. Sometimes it's hard to imagine anything interesting going on the ground beneath our feet but if you shrink to the size of a penny, then you will begin to see the world in a whole new dimension.



Honestly, I'm shocked this week, before the staff pick I was at 350 supporters but in just 4 days I have reached 575 supporters and still earing more at this moment. I cannot thank you enough for believing in my idea. So as promised, here are 4 more close up shots.

  • 12) Lemonade Stand - A staple of every childhood summer day was to open a lemonade stand. It was easy and cheap to make meaning anyone passer by can afford a cool glass of lemonade. Even for a fish in a bowl.

  • 13) Bad Luck Room - The number 13 is often associated with bad luck and so this space has been dedicated to giving the player bad luck. So remember kids be cautions around black cats as they may just lead you under an unlucky situation.

  • 14) Rainbow Pot of Gold - After dealing with an unlucky turn of events, we need to recharge with some good luck and what's more lucky than a leprechaun. According to legend these beings hide their pots of gold at the end of a rainbow, so the next time you see a rainbow you better bring a bag because you're about to be loaded.

  • 15) Tiny Town - Being a princess means you have learn how to present yourself in public and how to be the biggest person in the room. But I guess that's not very hard when you visit tiny town. Still, sometimes a warm and charming smile is all it takes to calm the populace; just remember to watch your feet.


Thank You For 250 Supporters

While 250 may not seem like a milestone worth celebrating, for a person who submitted their first idea, it feels like one, so I'm planning that for every 250 subs, I will post 4 new close ups of my set as a way of saying thank you for your support.

  • 7) Graveyard - A graveyard in general gives of an uneasy feeling: ancient tomb stones, creepy animals of the night and just the ever presents of death around you. But maybe it's not the dead you should be afraid of, but the undead.

  • 8) Railway Level Crossing - Trains are an amazing sight to behold, but you should always be careful near train tracks. So it is always a good and safe idea to cross at a designated railway crossing and heed the warning signs.

  • 10) Skateboard Ramp - There is a saying that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but if you ask our elderly Mr. Cool here, he would prove you wrong as he lives life to the extreme on his board.

  • 11) Basketball Court - During recess there is nothing more fun going to the basketball court to shoot some hoops, and even if you weren't that good it still was a whole lot of fun. Especially if you were able to do a slam dunk, or maybe that comes easy if your a kid with wings.


Thank You For Helping Me Reach 100 Supporters

I cannot thank you enough for helping me reach my first milestone, I may have been on this platform for 6 years but this is the first time I submitted an idea, so thank you again, all of you.

As a thanks I going to share some close ups of the spaces in my snakes and ladders game so you can get a real feel of what I was thinking when building this set.
  • 1) Starting Line

  • 2) Couch and TV

  • 3) Garden Sprinkler

  • 5) Obstacle Course

  • 6) Gym

So thank you and until next time. Let's get to 1000 subs

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