Last Day
Many thanks to all of Snoopy's supporters; more numerous than all my other efforts. We almost made it half-way to the 1K milestone which is way more than I expected given the waning popularity of 'Peanuts' and the overwhelming number of competing projects. (sigh) Maybe next time.
Milestone 100
Wow! Snoopy's first milestone within 34 hours of posting...and only 28 since approval. If support continues, look for an update with a more accurately depicted head. So, the big lesson here for other Ideas contributors is 'Give the people what they want.'. Oh, I know what everyone is asking: but, how do we determine what people want? Well, that's the real question isn't it?
Based on my experience, choose subject matter that is iconic in nature...avoiding anything already produced (by LEGO or any other manufacturer.) Anything else is a niche market and most likely to fail. Also, look for anything with global appeal. If it doesn't make sense in Denmark, then 10K votes probably won't do any good.
Of course, there are always exceptions and Snoopy isn't out of the woods just yet. Yeah, Snoopy may have already been proposed before and failed. But then witness last year's Saturn V and compare it to the 'Discovery Channel' version from decades past. What new element can be added (for creativity is usually nothing more than combining two or more previously familiar elements/concepts)?
In Saturn V's case, it was a moon lander; in Snoopy's it was simply adding wings to his doghouse...then taking it a step further and giving his buddy Woodstock a sadistic twist.
Thanks again. Only 99% to go!