
Snoopy v Red Baron

Milestone missed

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SNOOPY v RED BARON by ModularSculptr

Somewhere in Peanutsuburbia, a bored beagle sits atop his doghouse waiting for his master to return from school.  Basking in the sun, the dozing dog's imagination takes flight like his best friend, a sweet and innocent little neighborhood bird named WoodstockSnoopy daydreams himself as a heroic British Flying Ace in his trusty Sopwith Camel.  Patrolling the skies over 1917 France, he dares any lurking Luftstreitkräfte to attack.

But, what's that?

Screaming out of nowhere, an infamous Red Triplane dives from between parting clouds. 'Ee-gad!  It's the Red Baron!'  No, not the infamous Baron von Richthofen at the stick.  But none other than Baron von Voodschtoch taking a break from catching grasshoppers, coming to join Leftenant Beagle in his adrenaline-fueled fantasies.

Just as Snoopy has re-imagined his doghouse as the fuselage of his fighter plane, Woodstock sees his little round nest as a fearsome Fokker DR-1.  Who will win this afternoon's bird/dogfight?

Part count:

Snoopy = 59

Sopwith Camel = 106

Woodstock = 6

Fokker DR-1 = 35

Total = 206 elements

Just a fun little (ie, affordable) and whimsical set for anyone and everyone to enjoy, from curious kids to nostalgic adults.  As always, please check out my other contributions and, of course, critique via commentary is always appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

  • #peanuts
  • #snoopy
  • #woodstock
  • #sopwith
  • #camel
  • #sopwith camel
  • #red baron
  • #triplane
  • #biplane
  • #airplane
  • #plane
  • #charlie brown
  • #fokker
  • #richthofen
  • #fighter
  • #ww1
  • #doghouse
  • #beagle

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