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Bearded Reedling (Panurus Biarmicus)

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Hello everyone.

What is it?
it is an elegant display to display at home, which shows a male and a female Bearded Reedling moving above the reeds.

The Bearded Reedling (Panurus biarmicus) is a small bird that lives in colonies among the reeds (Phragmites australis). The male with his black whiskers is very particular and elegant, the female instead does not have them. They are very skilled insect hunters and move on the reeds to hunt. In winter however they change type of diet, feeding only on seeds.

I attach in the description some images of my property (taken with a 600mm lens) to compare the details reproduced in the LEGO model with respect to the real subject.

The complete set is composed of 1260 pieces, the base of the display 32x32 stud.

Why did you build it?
The Bearded Reedling is one of my favorite species while I do nature photography. I built this set to add another species to the already beautiful LEGO animal sets.
It would look great displayed alongside the LEGO Icons King fisher set.

Why do I think this would be a great LEGO set?
This build will delight nature lovers, bird watchers and wildlife photographers alike with its realistic details that I tried to recreate it as best as I could. The two figures can assume various postures making the set customizable. The reed bed setting also makes it a stunning display piece that will be proudly displayed in any home!

Thank you for your attention, if you like the set please rate it!!

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