Product Idea |

The Pirate Wreckers of False Lighthouse Cove


Brick In Business!

"Bricks!", shouted Captain Golden Peg.  "Salvage the bricks, and be sure to collect any minifigures you find!".

The Pirate Wreckers of False Lighthouse Cove were once again back in business!


Dangerous Times in False Lighthouse Cove!

Unaware of the true enormity of their prospective plunder,  Golden Peg was simply delighted at the drama unfolding in the cove.  

LEGO Ideas was quietly expiring the LEGO Ocean Liner, as it plowed through the dangerous waters of False Lighthouse Cove.  The pirate wreckers were preparing for their most finest prize!


Last Voyage of the LEGO Ocean Liner!

Standing on Reception Rock, Golden Peg turned forcibly to face his crew.  He hastily gathered his thoughts, after what seemed like years of privation.  "Engage the lighthouse beacon!  We have passage in the cove."

Check out the amazing plunder that awaits the pirate wreckers.  Please support the LEGO Ocean Liner, as it turns head on, into the last great maritime legend on earth!

Just CLICK on the white ship and kindly give it some support, before it hits rock bottom!

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