Product Idea |

Lego Engineering Jobs Project


Last update :(

Hey every one, I just wanted to say thanks for supporting my project, I could've never though t I would reach 70 supporters let alone 50! I just wanted to say its been a awesome year for this project! Once again I can't thank you guys enough!


Have a good one, 

-Mr.Concorqer (Legomania0107)


PS: sorry I haven't been active, as school has taken over, I also have one more project planned for the summer so look for that soon! 


Lego video!

Here is a video of my new legoi dea project!


Final update for Summer?

Final update for Summer?

Okay so will probably be the last update for the summer because school is about to start in on week so let's make it count.

Okay so my 2nd project has been expired so im going to try and submit a project i know i say that every week also my name will subject to change so look for that!


Thats all for today And like always have an awesome day!!


Profile update #1

Hey guys its Arcature productions and I just wanted to update you guys on my projects and profile. So the main reason I don't submit projects, Is first of I try and make my projects to be decent for you guys. Another reason is I don't know what you guys like for projects also I most likely won't have the right pieces to build projects.

Update on I promised project:

The project is going well I just need to add some more pieces.

If you have any ideas for project please leave a comment on any of my projects.

Make sure to follow me and my projects ,and support!

Thanks and have an awesome day! :)

-Arcature Productions


New names.

Hello, I just wanted to say that I have many new names such as...

  • Legomania0107
  • Adamatium0107
  • Arcature0107

And now Should be my permanent username Arcature Productions.

Hope you don't get confused by my user names!

Make sure to follow ,support ,and comment!


-Arcature Productions 


More project coming soon?!

Why hello it's Arcature Productions (along with my many user names a.k.a. Legomania0107, Adamantium0107, Arcature0107) and I just wanted to say that I might have more project coming soon, but the are maybe going to be released. One project it something along the lines of Archeology Dig Project. The other is a secret because I haven't even started working on it, I'm still planning. Please note I might not even make these projects but I plan to!


Make sure to follow me and my projects, comment, and support! 


~Arcature Productions/ Legomania0107 


Any ideas?

Hello it's Adamantium0107/Legomania0107 and since there are only three vignette and I bought the parts so I can make one or two extra vignettes so im taking any ideas for a engineer type the ones I've already use are: Enviro. engineer, a Petro. engineer and a Software Engineer! You can look up different types of engineers and you can tell me it in the comments and If I like it I might make it! If you need any ideas for types of engineers click here!




Please support this project!

Why hello once again it's Adamantium0107/ Legomania0107 and I just wanted to show this awesome project  by a fellow Lego Ideas user that i'm friends with: LegoNinja and his Lego Jobs Project so see it!


Make sure to support LegoNinja's project with the link:

and follow him and check out his other cool projects!


Thanks again!  


Please note LegoNinjas Jobs project is his all his work.


Make sure to support, follow and comment!



Thank you!

Wow thank you so much for all the supporters! lets reach 10,000 or at least 100 supporters! Again thank you!


Make sure to support,comment, and follow my projects and support other people projects!

-Adamantium0107 A.K.A Legomania0107

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