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Product Idea |

1961 Triumph TR6 Trophy




New Pics and slight mods

Firstly thanks everyone for all your support - nearly 500 in less than 60 days and with no social media help (because I'm not that social - haha)

Having obtained a couple more parts, I evened out the colours a little, (especially the exhaust) built the stand as per last update (its a lot more stable now) and printed off and stuck on a couple of mock decals rather than my terrible hand scribbled ones.
Then took a few much better pics (well I think so) and a wee video

If you've already supported me thank you, and please share it so I can at least hit the next milestone (then pray it gets picked up as a staff pick)

Many thanks again


New Decals and thanks

Firstly thanks to everyone for supporting this so far - hitting the ton in a week was quite a pleasant surprise.

Secondly, I'm still fairly new to Studio and its Brick Designer, but thought I would have a play at the stickers / decals. Ideally it would be more like the 60's Triumph Harmonica Badge, but that's quite a tall ask, and also the black brick wedge would be like the knee pads.
But also the Number plate (Ok cheated a little and swapped it for the RH/LH render,
Why 63 not 61? Well that's the year I was born :-)


New stand idea

One part I'm not overly happy about atm is the stand, especially as its a static model.
I did do a proper centre and side stand, but whereas in real life these work ok as the weight of the bike helps it kind of dig in, in Lego there isn't the grip or weight to make them work for themselves. (sliding and lack of spread to balance the weight) So I removed it in favour of a design that would allow it to be displayed left or right with the bars straight or cocked to either side.

But I wasn't keen on it

So been playing with thoughts on a stand that will show it off a little better and should add stability and generally looks a little cooler (IMO) .

More To Do


Passion for Motorsport


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